February 28, 2008 - the meeting of Palazzo Marigliano you can send any additions or clarifications to the interventions summarized here - max 10 lines in size 12 - within a reasonable time for the timely publication.
Si è svolto il primo incontro di Viveredacittadini nel quale Adriana Tocco e Vittorio Vasquez hanno meglio precisato i termini della nostra proposta, focalizzando l'attenzione the need for any recovering the link between society and politics and the ethics of service to the polis spesssore. We want the final closing of the season of collusion with the mafia, with the patronage, the management of public affairs for private use, the permanent closure of careers made the sign of obedience to the leader and self-management of power. In particular, Vasquez reiterated that the appeal is addressed to the whole of the parties of the center - left with a minimum claim of "ethical" for the composition of the lists, but with the intent to open a broader debate on relationship between citizens and political forces that will rappresentano.L 'accusation of anti-politics aimed at those who criticize the "caste" is a form of verbal terrorism to cover a truth the opposite: the anti-political Right was born with the constitution of the party / Mr Berlusconi's company, which aims to remove the state from business and private interests and the Left comes to building a system Bassolino oligarchic which destroys life in our democratic Regione.E 'how "Italian" experience the phenomenon of globalization and governance with the creation of networks of power that would escape any public scrutiny, privatizing the Stati.La our association has to work with all other major forms of self-organization in the area to design a joint initiative to renew the policy from its roots in our country. The Director the Corriere del Mezzogiorno, De Marco (center of photo) propostoi terms of the identity crisis of the political class of the left referring to the Neapolitan precise analysis of the events of recent decades. He pointed, then, on the prospect of recovery of the subjectivity of so-called "civil society" Neapolitan too absent even in the face to the degeneration of the system. Salvatore Pace (absent in the picture because busy shooting!) Recalled the need to re-open spaces of visibility to all the forces of the left, crushed by the prevalence of PD and the media - above all - to put it once and for all in the middle of reflection and proposals of the questions left di camorra, rapporti camorra-politica, lavoro. Ha inoltre rivendicato il valore di resistenza civile che i lavoratori delle istituzioni hanno svolto in questi anni di sistematico attacco della politica alle istituzioni.
Si sono poi sviluppati gli interventi:
Silvana Pagliuca (ricercatrice CNR e
Comitato civico per la salvaguardia del quartiere Secondigliano ) ha proposto l'esempio dell'impegno associativo di Secondigliano per replicare alle "accuse" di assenza della società civile, parlando invece di una sua "invisibilità" rispetto al potere politico che ignora costantemente il confronto ed il rispetto dei cittadini. Ha proposto quindi due iniziative already supported and shared: 1) criminal prosecution in the Court of Auditors and the European Parliament against the local government (municipal, provincial and regional) and government (number of Commissioners) for harassment to the citizens and 2) the request to the President of the Republic 's establishment of a "Memorial Day" in remembrance of the national environmental and health disaster caused in Campania in the last decades (Environmental disaster memory day).
Antonia Morfino (teacher): civil society has continued to work, one that has failed has been the ability to communicate with the policy. Got to get out more forcefully into the open anche e soprattutto per coinvolgere i giovani e dare loro una speranza di cittadinanza sana e di partecipazione politica.
Franco Ortolani , docente di Geologia, ha proposto la riflessione su alcuni dei meccanismi che hanno permesso in questi anni l'esplosione della questione rifiuti evidenziando il grave deficit di democrazia e le dinamiche interne per cui il "commissariato" ha potuto dispiegare la sua forza di struttura intimamente corrotta e volta alla proliferazione delle clientele.
Sergio D'Angelo (presidente GESCO) ha affermato che questa iniziativa è tardiva: ormai the die is cast and it is impossible to affect the internal dynamics of political parties. He focused attention on the absence of civil society by stigmatizing the liability of city life even in the face of mounting bad governance: civil society has been seduced by politics and Coptic rinunciado to play its historic role of critical consciousness and supervision of government decisions. If we render a service to the center-left, let's start with this self-criticism and let us ask ourselves the goal of affecting the region.
Lello Port (Professor of Agriculture, former County Councillor and City Council): The lists are not the central issue in the preferences not in itself guarantee democracy (voting and vote trading Camorra). The center-most votes with past elections is now in jail for the Camorra. The crisis of Bassolino is a national problem because the political agreements bells were still determined to Rome in fact Bassolino went into crisis when he abandoned the progressive policy to bind to clinetele De Mita and Mastella and these were the choices of the central policy. The political crisis is the crisis of civil society that has failed to give credible and stable forms of aggregation: even similar experiences as "Diameter" ended up in lobbying at the service of political currents. Task to us is to develop forms of democratic participation to help the policy to be permeating society.
Aldo Musciacchio (President of the Naples-CIDI) CIDI has brought the membership of the appeal. E 'guilt by rejecting a reading for civil society: they are not citizens to have failed but the policy which has been closed and the parties fail - constitutionally - have the task of structuring the representation of society.
( Aldo , send me something because they called me and I lost part of your intervention? Thanks).
Maria Rosaria Devitiis - Archival the Superintendent for the region, in addition to doing the honors at the beginning of the meeting, recalled the activities of Assisi marigliano building and as well there are lots of repeated stress and documented policy. It is not the case prorpio cry on if the policy has developed deafness to society but we must continue to be proactive.
James Buonomo (
Centre for Studies and Coordination of Democratic Participation ): agree with De Rita "Civil society is dead," better to speak of "citizens". In his speech drew documented as Italy is in breach of European conventions of Aarhus and the EU Directive 35/2003 on compulsory popoloziani consultation and public participation in decisions of great interest. He also illustrated the failure of Campania their constitutional requirements in the formulation of the forthcoming referendum on the status. All forms of expropriation of the company by the policy. Does not agree to vote for "no compromise" because this is already a compromise: you do not vote because they took the right to choose.
Frank Tarallo (ICLES). The appeal has done well because it is minimalist and essential and says the right things. If it were true that civil society in the past had been guilty of negligence, even more so today would be quiet. And as we talk to the agriculture policies? With the vote (if voting is not an exchange or mafia). And then, if denied the vote free and clean, and painful in the last analysis it is also right to abstain.
Aldo Pappalepore Committee (Hill City). If we have to do a speech together, we have to agree on values \u200b\u200b(such as surely as a service policy and ethics policy) analysis (responsibility 'for the current deterioration and crisis in the citta' della attuale classe politica dirigente del centro-sinistra a Napoli ed in Campania unitamante ad una parte del mondo istituzionale, economico ed associativo coinvolto nel suo sistema di potere); sugli obiettivi (dare voce alla società civile e proporre alla politica un progetto per la salvezza di Napoli; sugli strumenti (superare l'individualismo e l'autoreferenzialità delle associazioni ed alimntare un serio e sereno tavolo di unione).
Nel suo saluto conclusivo, Adriana Tocco ha indicato il prossimo appuntamento, di massima, per il 17 marzo (il 13 si presentano le liste) per procedere a una valutazione complessiva delle liste. Ma sarà forse opportuno rivedersi prima. Su questo aspettiamo vostre considerazioni, anche per valutare ulteriori azioni.
(sintesi a cura di Salvatore Pace)
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