Monday, September 27, 2010
Vascular Disease More Condition_symptoms
Directions to the adoption of the school in terms of articulation, and duration of lessons and recovery time school
IUniScuoLa: note here Prot. n. MIUR AOODRLO R.U. 15283 del 22 settembre 2010della Direzione GeneraleVia Ripamonti, 85 – 20141 Milano
Ai dirigenti scolastici delle scuole statali
Ai coordinatori didattici delle scuole paritarie
Oggetto: Orario scolastico
Dalle notizie e dai quesiti che pervengono a questa Direzione relativi all’orario scolastico si coglie un quadro di difformità di comportamenti nel territorio che destano confusione e disagio nelle scuole e nell’opinione pubblica.
Pare opportuno, quindi, richiamare che, in base alla normativa vigente, l’iter della definizione dell’orario settimanale è il seguente:
delibera del Consiglio di Istituto sull’orario settimanale delle lezioni e sull’orario start and end of the school day, taking into account the internal and external organizational needs (such as transport and catering service, if any, after all the possible coordination with authorities and local companies)
resolution of the Board teachers on educational policy formulation organization, specified also in the POF, and the life of the lesson within the framework set by the Board of Institute
adoption by the school head, inside the operations relating to the overall management of the school within its competence, including the definition of school modalities of recovery time for school pupils and the working time for teachers.
main criterion, given the institutional role of the school service, can only be that of a functional system to achieve the best possible conditions for an effective and efficient learning by students.
As explained in the circular direction of this March 30, 2010 on contractions of school and June 9, 2010 on the school calendar, the bond is unsurpassed annual usage of the curriculum areas for experiential, disciplinary groups / disciplines . Because the current wording of the law in force is different for upstream time annual study plans means that already exists or that week multiplied by 33 weeks. In either case, always, and then regardless of high school reform, the reference unit is the hour (so 60 minutes). The formulation is based on choice of weekly is the joint lessons / activities (so that there is a daily distribution can be smoothed over), and the life of the lesson.
The discussion reported in the press seems not yet established the concept that relate to the autonomy of the school is the choice of the educational curriculum and the duration of each lesson. All
this, it being understood that the adoption in the educational, teaching units do not coincide with the drive time may not reduce the time required per year (defined according to the annual timetable and application of Monte shares autonomy) implemented in the school calendar with the prediction of recovery even any remaining fractions of time.
remains open valuable space research and educational organization for the study of modular forms of teaching, not based on the weekly, with the possibility of concentration of certain activities that require intensive learning or extra-curricular performance. In this connection it is recalled that according to the school division Negotiable hours of instruction, in reference to the completion time required can be arranged on the basis of the annual planning of activities and in the manner prescribed by existing laws, a flexible multi-week basis in extent, usually not exceeding four hours. The Director-General Joseph Colosio
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Friday, September 17, 2010
Stress Fracture More Condition_symptoms
IUniScuoLa Lombardia here is the press release Directorate of refutation of the arguments against the work Administration.
This Directorate intends to disprove the idea advanced by some of the media wishing to accredit the image of a chaotic start of the school year.
is therefore likely to provide further details on the allocation of tasks to teachers and headmasters of schools in Lombardy, as for 2010-2011.
The provincial offices have proceeded to assign all teaching assignments, including providing, before classes begin.
The open problems, particularly in Milan, arising from two factors:
the need to fill seats that became available too late for assignment requests Safe in other regions, particularly in the South;
the effort to support schools in managing the appointment of alternates, to ensure a faster and more efficiently in the opening of the school year.
Consequently he has no basis to the claim concerning the alleged existence of "ghost posts".
assignments are currently being placed on support - increased due to the rapid and continuous increase of the registered certification this year.
Additional support in Lombardy were increased by 500 units with exception of the Director General.
Since there is more availability of specialist teaching staff in the provincial rankings, coverage of these posts will be made directly by schools on the basis of their rankings.
For the province of Milan alone, the number of vacancies to support the secondary school level are 408, for which 501 teachers have been invited, but for which only 28 have accepted the posto.Sono underway by the Office Territorial Milan summonses of specialized teachers (more than 1000 units) for the allocation of 1118 seats still vacant for the support to primary schools that should be covered by using the code of the candidate.
operations will be completed by tomorrow.
The same problem of lack teachers occurs for the chair of mathematics in secondary schools: 225 vacancies for 304 teachers have been invited, but only 4 of which have accepted the assignment.
To confirm the will of the Executive to support schools in the tasks of assigning tasks in relation to provincial candidate residues, we note that the meetings will commence on Monday of qualified teachers queued to those lists, which amounted to more than 5,000 units. To avoid excessive work in schools, the Territorial Office of Milan decided to centralize operations Monday contacting these teachers to avoid what occurred last year - when, in front of thousands of contacts, only 182 teachers have accepted the post.
E 'instrumental classes who have the controversy over the excessive abundance: classes with pupils greater than predicted by the standard are a dozen classes total about 52,000. Please note that the Regional School Office has provided timely to managers of schools with the necessary instructions regarding the criteria for receipt of entries and the consequences of any failures or exceptions.
The problem of the high number of vacant school premises, in relation to the duties of school managers, was also immediately raised by the Regional School, the Director General has made proposte di soluzione nelle diverse sedi, ma esse hanno incontrato resistenze da più parti e non sono state accolte. Pertanto l’Ufficio ha dovuto procedere con l’unico strumento di legge a sua disposizione, ovvero il conferimento di reggenze.
A smentita di quanto indebitamente avanzato contro l’operato dell’Amministrazione, respingiamo le polemiche pretestuose che tendono a enfatizzare e generalizzare problemi di fatto limitati ad alcuni ambiti, creando caos e confusione. Va ribadito che il vero problema della scuola lombarda risiede nella sostanziale carenza di docenti di alcune tipologie rispetto al fabbisogno reale. Coloro che hanno contribuito a costruire e consolidare l’attuale sistema di gestione delle nomine del personale the school (and in particular the so-called lists of tail) today intentionally forget their responsibilities, arrogate to the offices they are instead working on - going well beyond the statutory duties laid down - in order to support the schools as possible in the difficult task that they have .
Milan, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Autism Signs More Condition_symptoms

This is the objective that seeks the Memorandum of Understanding for "innovation through training of teachers, managers, school staff e la valutazione dei sistemi educativi", sottoscritto da Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Politecnico di Milano e Assessorato all'Istruzione, Formazione e Lavoro di Regione Lombardia.
La collaborazione tra gli enti firmatari si svilupperà su questi
- formazione dei docenti e dei dirigenti; formazione del personale tecnico e amministrativo; progetti di ricerca e sperimentazione;
- valutazione degli apprendimenti, del personale e dell'organizzazione scolastica.
"La trasmissione dei saperi avviene se la scuola offre professionalità preparate, aperte al cambiamento, disponibili a mettersi in discussione e a riqualificarsi - sottolinea l'assessore Regional Education, Training and Employment, Gianni Rossoni - The ongoing training of all school personnel, beginning with the school managers entrusted with the responsibility for the management of human resources is a fundamental quality of the system ' education and, consequently, the rise of the preparation of our students. "
The signing of the Protocol also shows - says Rossoni - the strong partnership between the institutions in our region who share a strong educational mission, focused on the values \u200b\u200bof people-centered, innovation methods and tools with which they transmit the knowledge. "The protocol will last three years and shall have no financial burden on the signatories.
(California News-September 15 2010-Ln/Milano))
Thursday, September 9, 2010
South Park 1307 Watch Fatbeard Streaming
Rankings school band first school year 2010/2011
" Instructions and operational guidelines relating to supply teachers for teaching staff included in the rankings of the first school band "
IUniScuoLa : ecco la nota della Direzione GeneraleUfficio VI – Personale della scuola Via Ripamonti, 85 – 20141 - Milano - Prot. n. MIUR AOODRLO R.U. 14655-" It is recalled that the nomination on seats available for the whole ' years, possibly non coperti dagli Uffici Scolastici Territoriali e che
saranno restituiti alle scuole per le operazioni di competenza, le SS.LL.
procederanno scorrendo prioritariamente le graduatorie provinciali – comprensive delle cosiddette code – e solo successivamente, in caso di esaurimento delle stesse, le graduatorie di istituto di prima, seconda e terza
Milano, 9 settembre 2010
-Ai dirigenti scolasticidelle scuole di ogni ordine e gradodella Lombardia
-Ai dirigenti Regional Offices School
Subject: Rankings of the first school band - as 2010/2011
As is known, the ranking of the institution set up under Decree 56 of May 28, 2009 are valid for two years and, therefore, must be used for of nominations for the school year 2010/2011. However, since the DM 39 of 22 April 2010 on the establishment of provincial lists are exhausted, also the validity of two years, it was expected that teachers including subject line on this reservation could dissolve if they had obtained a license to practice by June 30, 2010, the information system the Ministry of Education has produced a new release of these rankings, containing the details of the dissolution of reserves.
result of this operation, the Ministry of Education has also put online a new release of the first level of school rankings, which are amended with regard to the reserves released, because inclusion in the rankings due to exhaustion. The
SS.LL., therefore, to make the appointments from lists of its jurisdiction of organization of the first band will use the prints produced by the system, which has been sent to schools and the Teleservices SS.LL. shall publish. No position has changed in the rankings instead of second-and third-tier institution specified in the last school year, which is not derived from rankings exhausted and therefore remain valid for the purposes of nominations for the school year 2010/2011.
Please note that nominations for the seats available throughout the year, possibly not covered by the Regional School Office and will be returned to schools for operations expertise, SS.LL. proceed flowing through priority provincial candidate - including the so-called code - and only then, if it is out of the same, the ranking of the institution of the first, second and third band.
Regarding the use of priority lists, see the note of MIUR No 7899 of September 2, 2010, spread through the intranet, which showed that the validity the lists for the school year 2009/2010 has been completed and that, pending the determination of the new lists, they can not be used for short supply teachers. For these substitutions will be used rankings of institutions, with appointments in its own right. The manager Luca Volonte
Monday, September 6, 2010
Smoking And Urination
[Duties of managers of private schools of all levels of Lombardy in order to ensure a smooth start of the school year 2010-2011]
[Attached for example, the models used in previous years to data acquisition]
IUniScuoLa Lombardia here is the circular dellaDirezione GeneraleUfficio V - Schools not stataliVia Ripamonti, 85-20141 - Milano -
Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 14394Milano, September 2, 2010
managers of the offices of the areas of Lombardy territorialiprovinciali
the operators of private schools in Lombardy
Subject: Start the school year 2010-2011. Operational guidelines for private schools of all levels
To ensure the smooth launch of the 'school year 2010/2011, with this you define the obligations of managers of private schools of all levels of Lombardy.
no later than September 30, 2010 Managers should send to UU.SS.TT. competenti per territorio le comunicazioni previste per il mantenimento della parità scolastica, di cui al punto 5.2 e al punto 5.3 del D.M. n. 83 del 10/10/2008. Le notifiche trasmesse dalle scuole paritarie agli Uffici avranno valore di dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notorietà, ai sensi dell’ art. 47 e D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000 n. 445. Le modalità di trasmissione dei dati dalle scuole agli UU.SS.TT. andranno definite a livello locale.
Gli Uffici territoriali acquisiranno copia delle certificazioni degli allievi con handicap certificato in base alla Legge 104/92. Verranno acquisiti anche i pareri dei Gruppi di Lavoro provinciali sull’handicap relativamente alle ore di sostegno per gli allievi certificati frequentanti le scuole primary, which will be held pending by the provisions of this Office.
addition to statements of smooth operation, will be acquired together with the statements regarding the constitution of bodies.
are repeated all the requirements dictated by paragraph 5 of the Decree and as set out in the event of default.
you send, for example, the models used in previous years to the end of data acquisition.
As regards points 4.7 and 4.8 of the Decree 83 of 10/10/2008, this Office's delegation UU.SS.TT. to allow the splitting of classes due to new entrants or repeaters that can not be integrated into existing classes and to allow for the final year of secondary school class one side where it fulfills the same conditions as above. The Williams
summary (doc, 37 kb)
Model A / 1 (doc, 54 kb) - Model A / 2 (doc, 47 kb) - Model A / 3 (doc, 47 kb) - Model A4 (doc, 48 kb) - A Model / 4 a (doc, 54 kb) (the models are different in type)
Model B - monitoring contracts (doc, 37 kb)
Model C - Declaration by the legal nature of 'managing body (doc, 45 kb)
To learn more, click Here
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cardschurch Anniversary Announcement
have published some adjustments relating to the duties of Regency and permanent staffing in the management of Lombardy for 2010-2011 as
Direction GeneraleUfficio VII - Executive, administrative, technical and scolasticiVia Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano -
Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 14235Milano, August 31, 2010
heads of institutions scolastichedi all levels of Lombardy
The Ministry of Education, University and RicercaDirezione General Staff of the School for Executives
Offices of the Regional School
the leaders of the region of Lombardy Fields Territorialidella
At Trade Unions Area V of the School Leadership
Subject: Correction of regency offices and permanent staff as school managers 2010-2011
It follows the decision of this office protocol. 14,094 of 30 August 2010 concerning the provision of offices for the regency from 2010 to 2011 as to say that, for a mere clerical error, are corrected by the following positions: JV
headquarters Fraz Bustighera Mediglia Code of Mech. : MIIC8AV002 is assigned to the manager PALADINO VINCENZO;
headquarters CI Curiel Paullo Code of Mech.: MIIC8A200N is assigned the executive GERMANI TIZIANA;
headquarters dellla DD 2 Circle Pioltello (MI) Code mech: MIEE363007 BELTRAME manager is assigned to the yawl;
headquarters ITIS Stanislao Cannizzaro of RHO, Code mech.: MITF13000Q is assigned to the manager CAPUTO LORENZO ;
Binago The headquarters of the CI (CO) Code mech.: COIC82500X is assigned to the manager PREMOLI JOSHUA 'ANGELO;
dell''IC headquarters in Ponte San Pietro (BG) Code mech.: BGIC86600B is assigned to the manager JOHN BONFIGLIO
also occurred after transfer to another region of the manager Nappi Pasqualina, the seat of the CI G. MEADOW FAIR Code of Mech.: MIIC8CE00A is assigned regency the executive Croce Giovanni
It retransmits the updated list in the Annex which completely replaces the one previously sent.
for the Director generaleil vicarioLuciana Volta
Positions of regency as 2010-2011 (xls, 111 kb) (updated August 31, 2010)
Staff from 2010 to 2011 as head teachers 1 (xls, 275 kb) (updated August 31, 2010)