MIUR Press - November 29, 2010
"In the province of Milan, the work will involve 54 buildings, with an investment of 17.35 million euro, while only in the City 25 actions are planned, funded with € 7,870,000 »
Starts Work on 152 more urgent
Minister of Education, University and Research Mariastella Gelmini today unveiled the most urgent provided in Lombardy from the extraordinary plan for school construction.
the region has been assigned to the share most of the funds available, almost 50 million €.
With the release of 358 million, the first tranche of one billion that the government is a total set aside for school construction, the extraordinary plan has identified 1,706 more urgent for the safety of schools to be carried out throughout Italy. Of these, 152 relate to their school buildings in Lombardy. In the province of Milan, the work will involve 54 buildings, with an investment of € 17,350,000, while in the communication to be only 25 interventions, financed with € 7,870,000.
The 152 priority actions have been identified through a monitoring of the buildings involved both structural elements (structures portanti, coperture, intonaci, impianti di riscaldamento, impianti idrico, impianti igienico sanitario), sia gli elementi non strutturali (controsoffitti, tramezzature, parapetti, data di costruzione e ultima ristrutturazione, stato di conservazione ed eventuale degrado, rischio sismico, presenza di barriere architettoniche, presenza di amianto, certificazione antincendio, idoneità statica). L'importanza di questi ultimi è stata dimostrata anche dalla tragica vicenda del Liceo Darwin di Rivoli. Dopo l'intesa raggiunta nella Conferenza Stato-Regioni il 28 gennaio 2009, sono state costituite 466 squadre tecniche che hanno svolto sopralluoghi nelle scuole di tutte le regioni italiane. Solo in Lombardia sono state attivate 35 squadre who have carried out checks in schools in 5432, monitoring well over 86% of school buildings in the region.
Following the visits, only one school has been declared completely unusable.
For more information, see: Press Release-May 24, 2010 - Security school presented today at Palazzo Isimbardi the extraordinary plan of over € 7 million for the buildings of the Province of Milan School Sprit. Experiences of theatrical anthropology Education and School construction Lazzati Marina (pictured)