Friday, December 31, 2010

Gental Warts More Condition_symptoms

conclude in 2010 with the presentation of the letter below to the town hall on the schools.
thank Lucetta and her husband for being interested in this activity by writing the letter and give to all apppuntamento in 2011 for the resumption of activities on which we are involved.
Happy New Year to all. Dear

XIII Municipio - Rome

ca UOSECS Manager (Unit for Socio Educational Cultural and Sport)
Dr. Rodolfo D'Agostini

ca Assessor of Social Services, Emergency Housing, School
Dr. Lodovico Pace

about President Commission VIII - Heritage, Home and School
Dr. Carmine Stornaiuolo

XIII cc President Dr. James Hall Vizzani

168 cc Headmaster Lindlar "Piero della Francesca"
Dr. Eleonora occiput Di Prisco

DC Municipal Police Command
Ostia Lido - Via Capo delle Armi, 58

Subject: school district AXA - Malafede

We are a spontaneous group of citizens in the process of forming in combination and we are to ask for more details on the situation of schools in the district AXA - Malafede.In particular, the relevant issues, on which ask one of your kind feedback are as follows:
1. information about the completion of work, delivery and opening of schools "mother" and "nest" of Via Menzio. In this regard we would like a confirmation for the management of both public and private schools and on the implementation of a new "learning circle", with schools in the district and adjoining areas, separated by the circle "Piero della Francesca;
2. Information about the resumption of work, delivery and opening the school in Via Molajoli.Altro topic of interest to us is the road in front of the elementary school in Via Ghiglia, that the timetable of entry / exit da scuola è bloccata dalle numerose auto che sostano in modo non regolare.
Suggeriamo fra le possibili soluzioni di coinvolgere l’associazione dei “nonni-volontari” che gestiscono il traffico fuori dalle scuole.
In attesa di un Vostro cortese riscontro, porgiamo cordiali saluti
(Lettera Firmata da Lucetta Roberto e Gianluca come riferimenti per il gruppo)

Monday, December 27, 2010

South Park Kanye West Streaming

space maintenance and Park Street Menzio

Il nostro quartiere è dotato di ampi spazi verdi.
Il fatto è che questi non sempre sono manutenuti a dovere.
A volte non si capisce neanche con quale criterio siano fatti tali interventi (vedi ad esempio innaffiature parks or grass cuttings).
Recently we have seen improvements.
Omiccioli Square was completely refurbishing (perhaps for the third time ...?).
Fortunately this time the right time of year so as to give a life expectancy of trees planted. In addition, the park
via Menzio has been rebuilt. The refurbished benches, floors finished.
The workers were also planting trees for the construction of green areas, when suddenly (and like the previous time) everything is broken and trees have been abandoned on the ground.

Only this time there We realized and Barbara (Thanks Barbara!) sent a fax that beautiful enclosed.

The manager UOAL

Street Kingfisher, 66

00124 Rome

fax 0650930929

Rome, December 13, 2010

Subject: Request for information

mowing and cleaning Quartier Axa-Malafede

The undersigned Barbara Berra as a spokesperson for a large group of local residents Axa-Malafede being part of the constitution Associazione Culturale Villa Fralana, in this latter requires esteemed office to know the action plan provided for the cleaning and maintenance of green areas in the our neighborhood.

also would like to know what fate will have the Boulevard under construction at the end of Via Menzio, where more than two weeks from now is not working any more (they were, among other things, abandoned on the ground six trees and c ' is a fairly deep hole left unprotected).

Thanking you in advance for availability I extend my greetings.

Barbara Berra

The fax contains details of the course to send any response.
will never come?
For the record, those same trees were re-erected by volunteers but now rely on their small clay pot.

BUT WHY 'They stopped !?!?!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mouth Ulcers More Condition_symptoms

Dean elective: the idea is gaining increasing share

Riparte la discussione -
school: Election of president: Schools do not need school leaders on a permanent basis and that the
that occurred in Palermo, although striking, is unfortunately not a single case, but it is one of the most amazing and sensational cases than many others that show how long and even the longest tenure for a head teacher at the school is a disaster when it considers to be its master and not to respect the contractual obligation and rights of workers and students. Including freedom of expression and to vote. The head teacher indefinite industrial technical institute "Alessandro Volta" in Palermo, which is stato clamorosamente “sfiduciato” dai professori, continuerà nella sua funzione, anche se sarebbe il caso di trasferirlo, per “incompatibilità ambientale”, essendo ormai compromessi il suo ruolo e il rapporto di fiducia con gli studenti e con i docenti, in un altro istituto scolastico. A svolgervi sempre a tempo indeterminato la funzione di dirigente scolastico.
A presentare le loro dimissioni irrevocabili dal consiglio di istituto sono stati gli otto docenti che ne facevano parte, compreso il vice-preside per essere stati definiti “bonaccioni” dal dirigente perché non avevano appoggiato, rivendicando “la libertà di voto” e il diritto degli studenti a concordare e a discutere with the principal (who had become totally unavailable) forms of protest, "the decision to suspend," as exemplary punishment, "the students in the school's head of employment." Proposed by the Board to decide in advance by the head teacher. Thus, teachers in a school until recently listed as the first "happy island" wondered "what happened so quickly to bring the head teacher stated that the school is dead and that democracy is superseded by the corporate boards that teachers are lazy and they steal his salary. "mind you: not all school managers indefinitely in the category those who do not want to rely on the principle and the right of the collegial and democratic management of individual scuole.Esistono many cases of head teachers who do not respect (and in this respect is considerable documentation) rules, even the most elementary, the school management , opposing the right to information and transparency of the proceedings, operating under the irregularities and even market, waste of public money, privileges to relatives and friends. Nevertheless, they continue "sine year" from captain to sail in a ship that is adrift, and not because the sea is rough. remain in their function, fixed, despite the judgments of conviction for conduct anti-union. There are, conversely, that school leaders are always present and attentive, which respect the laws and contracts, which are open to dialogue, strengthening the schools entrusted to their direction, participating in the implementation of projects to better training of students, positive direction to life in civil society, in the knowledge society. They would also done by professors elected to the office of president (or, as the term has been transformed the office of president following the entry into force of the Act, the head teacher) for a limited number of years.
Pasquale Almirante has proposed a "solution simpler, more democratic, more effective and above all less expensive: the direct election of president by the faculty and for a limited number of years . It should be added "even by staff Ata", albeit with weighted voting, as is the case for the election of the rector and those of other institutional structures of the university (in addition to the rector, the deans, heads of department, the presidents of the courses, the presidents of the centers of administration). I shall return shortly to this issue. The staffing of the school principals for school year 2010-2011 is 10,294 seats between primary and secondary schools first-degree institutions secondary school degree. In addition there are 74 seats for the CPIA and 47 boarding places for national and educandati women. following the announcement, and continually postponed "sine die" even if they give the latest news for the month of November 2011, the competition for school managers, predicting the number of participants in the contest is today at least 120,000 for about 2,800 seats. You will need a very complex organizational machine. You will need a lot of high spending. It will take time that could be biblical, like those of the competition in 2004 annulled the judgments of the Administrative Council of Justice Sicily, which is not known how and when it will be renewed and when it is completed, the existence of a troubled litigation which is not easy to predict the conclusione.D 'On the other hand, as clearly shown Pasquale Almirante, school autonomy is not can not contemplate, to settle, the direct election, with "an elective presidency and forward," the head teacher. For my part, even with what I say about the university system, I wish to reassure Tecla Squillaci, who recently on the site, formulated a question, type uncertain: "They would choose the teachers do their principal? ". Come, “la proposta di eleggibilità del dirigente scolastico” è proponibile ed è anche piena affermazione della democrazia. Non può esserci alcuna ragione che possa renderla improponibile. I docenti sono “in grado di valutare oggettivamente i requisiti professionali per poter svolgere una mansione così importante anche se a tempo determinato”. E non c’è nessun motivo per dubitarne. A dirigere la scuola (nella quale esiste, è vero, un compito estremamente delicato e complesso carico di responsabilità, ma sono ben poca cosa rispetto a quello della direzione dell’università) sarebbe, così come lo è ancora oggi, un docente. Per quanto riguarda la “preoccupazione” that would be enough, "even a few years of ineffective management for 'sink' school literally a" sinking already happened - but not to "blame" for presidents elected by the teachers - we know enough to reiterate and confirm that "an elective presidency and term "absolute guarantee of proper operation of the school, the choice of democratic participation and management, which is realized with a" primus inter pares, cooperating freely criticized the "review" and not a "father-master" even immovably and permanently anchored to the pier of the same place for several decades . In fact, has never applied the rule of "transfer" of school administrators from one to another location after six years of residence in order to avoid stagnation of the phenomena which impact negatively also with regard to the permanence of the teachers in the same place and continued teaching . We know of schools that year after year are reduced the number of students, classes, teachers and staff Ata; schools become undersized, even undersized lot, in which the school head teacher never go in the complexes seconded by headquarters (although a few hundred meters), in which schools are allowed to buy up to paid positions, in which the schools state school fund is also used to pay overtime for the state personnel activities performed by municipal employees, schools in which the "oil president" to dress "hot bread" is the master and shop. And there is still much to say. A lot to say. Often teachers leave running. They prefer trasferirsi.Un dean elected by the teachers should, must, first of all respond to his constituents and should especially, must respond to those who, having supported another candidate, they have not voted, but they are very attentive to his behavior and His way of managing the school, which should always be in full compliance delle norme vigenti e delle delibere del Consiglio d’istituto, organo collegiale, oltre a quello costituito soltanto dai docenti, presieduto da uno dei genitori democraticamente eletto, come democraticamente eletti sono tutti gli altri che lo compongono: docenti, personale Ata, genitori degli alunni .Elezioni per le rappresentanze in tutti gli organismi. Dirigente scolastico imposto. Ed invece anche lui dovrebbe essere eletto e restare in carica a tempo determinato, per uno o al massimo per due mandati triennali. Esattamente come è previsto per i rettori dal disegno di legge di riforma universitaria, proprio per evitare che la stagnazione nella carica possa produrre la sindrome del padrone che tutto può e a cui tutto è dovuto.Gli insegnanti carrying out educational activities and other functions (as required by the contract and the securities acquired as a result of democratic elections) in schools of all levels are no different from academics (such as are no different from the technical and administrative university staff and engineers, and school administration). So, they are perfectly "able to objectively evaluate the professional qualifications to carry out" during the term (three to four years, possibly to be renewed with new election for another three to four years) the "job" of principal (head teacher) electorally affidata.In democracy, there is freedom di esprimere il proprio pensiero, di costruire maggioranze sul proprio programma, di confrontarsi costantemente, di valutare il programma svolto “in itinere” e quello conclusivo, di incappare in diffuse “simpatie” e in “antipatie” tali da sfiduciare il preside, di sollevarlo dall’incarico conferitogli, di eleggere un nuovo preside che sia rispettoso delle leggi e dei diritti dei lavoratori-elettori. Il collegio dei docenti è “un limbo assurdo” quando gli è sostanzialmente negato il diritto di decidere, di partecipare attivamente e liberamente alle decisioni da assumere, perché il dirigente scolastico ha “deciso” come di deve diversamente fare. Ed è altresì “un limbo absurd "when the claim of their" right "violated and denied (and even the simple contrast with the" will "of the principal-owner) from the head teacher may cause effects teachers, individual teachers," it is better to avoid them: avoid a "not worth it." In this case, a direction of that kind, open-ended as a result of competition, the course of which I will discuss below, it provides an irreparable damage to the school, as well as ineffectiveness of the head teacher, for failure to respect due to those in the school has the right to express their thoughts and to challenge inappropriate "choices" the principal-padrone.C 'is a positive aspect that lays in the proposal of the elected dean of the faculty and staff Ata: to present his candidature for the post of head teacher will always be the best teachers, who will compete openly in order to obtain the consent of the teachers and non-teaching voters. And teachers and teachers Voters will not choose bene.Sappiamo all competitions as they go. What cost the preparations. Who prepares several competitors. Among the preparations for a fee, which however could not do, and they're all products that require hefty fees, there were inspectors and inspectors, principals or headmasters. And there was never a question of change. In a competition, many can testify, to overcome the written tests are not always the best. But this may not count for much. Count the other hand, very oral. And we all know, without a mantle of hypocrisy, as it can affect the oral test. However, without generalizing. But without negarlo.Ebbene, the occasion is propitious to realize the proposal in the management of eligibility: a maximum of two terms of three to four years each. The second also for the elections. Eliminate the market for "fat cows" and the illusion that that market might lead to the winning "the lottery". The occasion is auspicious: it was announced, but it seems that it should go still at least a year, a contest in 2800 for head teacher posts, which will contribute to the achievement of at least 120,000 teachers. Two hundred competitors could make it, as long as everything goes smoothly and no there are no administrative appeals to the judiciary. The 2,800 jobs could grow, and in Sicily, not only because there's at least 416 places in the contest of 2004 canceled "in the root" of the CGA and "promised" (but do not know how many and what), to "reassure" non- admitted to the oral competition annulled by Law 202/2010 Siragusa-The Monte-Vicari for future years. They may also grow because, lengthening the time of publication of the Notice of Competition the Official Journal, would put the posts vacated by school administrators who retired in the meantime. The staffing of school managers, I have already pointed out, is of 10,415 seats. Those employed by school leaders for an indefinite period (until retirement) are just over 7,000. Within 15 years, average spread in just over 400 each year, leaders in service today will all be retired. The role of school leaders could become "exhausted", as was the case with other professionals in education and university education, such as the role of assistants and, as seems to be implemented immediately future and that of university researchers. No dichotomy, therefore, "legal status between principals and principals elected indefinitely." The principal's office for an indefinite period becomes "exhausted" and that of elected presidents became ufficiale.In average, in every school teachers serving about a hundred and twenty units of personnel Ata. The dimensions must be between the maximum and minimum of 900 to 500 pupils. Of course, with units of faculty and staff Ata also significantly different, determined by the number of pupils and classes, because there are schools with little more than 60 faculty and staff Ata and others with more than 200 faculty and staff Ata (in this second case, the number of pupils can achieve and exceed 1,500 units, but should also be okay). Public money is wasted in the case of schools where the number of members is even lower at 400. It is not clear why the staffing of school managers can not reduce us even a few thousand people, triggering a different size: not more than 900 between a maximum and a minimum of 500 members, but between, for example, a maximum of 1,400 and a minimum of 800 members. With the exception of certain types of schools, the State Fund's annual school is of little entities: one hundred thousand euro are, for many schools, even an impossible goal. Poor thing, substance, compared to the annual fund ongoing financing of universities such as Palermo and Catania. A fund's annual ordinary funding, for universities with forty members, more than 120 million euro. The University of Catania, for example, has twelve faculties, hundreds of graduate courses, about thirty departments and scores of administrative centers, 65,000 students. Unlike schools, which are among the administrative autonomy for the management of the school fund, the university also has financial autonomy. In each school, the responsibility is attributed to the director general and administrative services and administrative assistants. The school managers, considering the teaching skills resulting from the original academic qualifications (which may be the degree in literature and philosophy, science, mathematics, foreign languages, science graduate training in physical education and three years for the Diploma physical education), they have specific expertise with regard to administrative acts. Adhere to the manager of general services and administrative assistants and university amministrativi.Tutte charges are elective (for those of the rector, are entitled to vote all the teachers, students elected in the departments of the administrative staff for weighted voting , a total of about 4,000 voters) and limited two consecutive terms, provided that it is re-elected, each for a term of four years. The university reform project, approved by the House of Representatives has set the maximum of six was appointed rector. To be elected, in addition to the rector, and for no more than two consecutive terms both derived from the outcome of elections, are the deans, directors of departments, chairmen of the degree course, the presidents of the centers of administration. All teachers of the first or second band: full or associate. Their commitment to teaching may be, on request and with reference to the weight of the role following the election, only reduced. They may appoint a deputy. Continue to do research and to publish scientific books and articles in specialized journals. And their publications are included in the catalog of the university. Ended the period of the mandate or mandates, to return to the teachers and researchers in the period of time pieno.Durante respective offices, shall receive a monthly allowance, which is differentiated in relation to role. Currently, the rector, the charges deducted from the university and dall'aliquota reduced by income tax, is about 700 €, that of the dean is about 350 €. Is about 300 € monthly allowance of department directors, and just over 200 euro that the chairmen of the administrative centers and courses. The commitment and responsibilities arising from the office are incomparable to those of managers scolastici.Ciò circumstances, there is no reason why the management of schools should not be entrusted to "principals" elected by the teachers and staff Ata. And because the president-elect should not play a part (one third) of their time teaching post. It happens in other European countries such as Germany. You do not see why that should not happen in Italy, adding to the salary compensation function which should not exceed a few hundred € per month. And not only because it allows a considerable saving, but also because schools do not longer be managed by principals-masters indefinitely holding the power to decide on good and bad weather, but from principals that if discouraged by teachers, must resign, and not, as it did the Industrial Technical Institute " Alessandro Volta "in Palermo, the teachers of the school board to resign," it is impossible that both he, "the headmaster discouraged unanimously" to resign. "Polybius'

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Free Fish Sticks Episode

Situation Update

With great effort we are working on initiatives that we set out to pursue: the creation of an Association that is interested in the neighborhood and that it follows closely the problems of which we had taken charge watching in the future development further work is also cultural.
For the association we are working to the statute. Once you make the first draft, share it with you all to gather those who will be your suggestions and advice. In this first phase, we are asking for help from professionals who live in the neighborhood who have very kindly offered.
As for the discussion of the issues, to give even to the letter of June, 3 December he was sent a new one below, and that some of you may have read in some newspaper that we sent .
In this moment, there are people who have joined us, creating two working groups, which are taking an interest instead of green areas and a cleaning and the other schools. We hope to give you a quick update also on these two activities.
As we said at the beginning, this activity is taking time and energy to people who deal with it.
Our desire is to increasingly expand the group so it can be rapid and concrete implementation of the ambitious projects we have in the pipeline. Needless
therefore reaffirm that if you go forward you will certainly make you welcome.
Finally we inform you that, with regard to the doubling of Via di Acilia, there are ongoing requests for clarification to the relevant municipal offices by a political group. Deliberately, to maintain as it was in the premise of this group, a non-partisan and non-political profile, do not give further details on this group. Follow, as soon as we have, more news, although for this particular issue, we hope to soon give way to our own personal initiative.
We ask you to disseminate this information among your friends and acquaintances asking those interested to contact us through mail

attached as said the letter sent to City Hall by Alessandro XIII.


the attention. to: James Vizzani ( President of the Municipality XIII )

Renzo Pallotta ( Assessor of Town M. XIII)

Amerigo Olive ( Assessor of Lav., Mobility, Urban Police M. XIII)

Giancarlo Innocenzi ( Councillor for Environmental Policy, Sport, Tourism M. XIII)

Pierfrancesco Marchesi (Chairman Committee on Public Works M. XIII)

Sergio Pannacci (Chairman Planning Commission M. XIII)

Cristiano Rasi (Chairman Committee on Environment M. XIII)

Municipal Police Command XIII Municipio

Stazione Carabinieri di Acilia

In riferimento alla nostra precedente segnalazione, protocollata e consegnata al XIII Municipio in data 8/6/2010 e sostenuta da una petizione popolare di 653 firme, desideriamo innanzitutto ringraziare l’amministrazione per gli interventi che hanno risolto parte dei problemi riguardanti il quartiere di AXA-MALAFEDE, situato alle spalle delle Terrazze del Presidente, ma al tempo stesso, con la presente, chiediamo un altrettanto Vostro pronto intervento per quanto concerne i numerosi problemi sotto riportati, already reported in the previous letter, and in need of urgent resolution:

Way Acilia:

- on the road in the direction of C. Colombo, storm water drains in need of a more constant maintenance. In the 2 channels, as well as garbage varies, are removed from the trunks of two pine trees felled. Given the previous failure, it is hoped that all the pine trees put in this section, was made the necessary checks and inspections to ensure stability.

Via G. Usellini:

- In the initial part, which runs from Via Via E. Acilia Joy, the lights of what is the main access road to the neighborhood, are now extinct for about 3 years. On the same stretch of road just after the middle of that, one of the lampposts previously killed in a car accident (we're talking about 4 years ago), has never been replaced.

- The sidewalks of both sides, towards the end of Via Acilia, have not been completed and force pedestrians to do this stretch Street, plus no signs that either floor on poles that favors a less risky crossing, to expose himself while running, to serious dangers. Hopefully not citing that the section is affected by the expected doubling.

- On the right side of the street, at the gas station Erg, still a construction site idle for a long time then that leads under the sidewalk. During the rainy this hole fills with water causing a situation of serious danger as well as unhealthy as being a source of water even in the long-continued rains ceased. The area of \u200b\u200bthis small site, in addition to being poorly protected, the roadway is not adequately segnalata. Questo, in aggiunta ai problemi dei lampioni non funzionanti, costituisce un ulteriore fonte di pericolo.

- Il canale per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana situato all’incrocio con Via di Acilia direzione Acilia, in seguito a lavori effettuati nelle sue vicinanze, è rimasto ostruito. In occasione delle piogge, quel tratto di Via di Acilia, oltre a diventare inaccessibile ai pedoni, allagandosi diventa pericoloso anche per auto e moto. L’acqua che ne fuoriesce, si riversa sulla discesa che porta poi a Piazza Eschilo causando anche li situazioni di pericolo.

- All’incrocio con Via Gioja, il tombino per la raccolta di acqua piovana is blocked by the earth. This land, mixed with water, the rain arrives at the ground near the intersection on the right, where the containment wall clearly can not contain the quantity.

This, as well as to form a huge puddle on the crossing, causing a deep hole in the asphalt. It should be noted that, in the pit, action and repair of municipal employees are made quickly, but on a regular basis, it shall be reopened immediately after the first rain the next. It 'obvious that all efforts are thwarted by the clogged drain that allows water to run off.

The initial stretch of Via Usellini and next at the intersection with Via Calderara di Piazza Omiccioli, there are several dead trees. On the same street and Via G. Chessa after the planting of these trees, which occurred about three years ago, has never been done to restore the lawn around the trees with a suitable edging.

Via Oscar Ghiglia:

The initial stretch of this road, street maps and plans exist on (the real one, almost completed and never completed, what should through the current site of the Terraces of the President and which is closed and controlled view) , besides not being lit and have no sidewalks, has a number of situations that create danger

- long the stretch leading the junction with Via Gioia, the mast on this curve is practically on the road and, besides not having any protection, nor is it reported;

- the junction with Via Gioia has not good visibility for those coming from this direction if coming from Route of Acilia;

- the wall made for the new building site Via mellitus with which the street is surrounded, come too close to the roadway without adequate protection and monitoring with a long stretch, however, where there is asphalt.

Traffic and Safety:

The district has 5 main roads all of which are parallel to each other 2 to one-way (the second section of Chester Street and Via Usellini) and three two-way (street Irolli, Via and Via Menzio Ghiglia). These are the ways through which one enters and leaves the district and che consentono la viabilità interna di tutta la zona.

La velocità consentita ai veicoli non è rapportata all’alta frequenza di attraversamenti pedonali, soprattutto di bambini (molto numerosi nella zona anche per la presenza di diverse scuole). Sarebbe bene limitare, come avviene nelle zone di stessa tipologia, la velocità a 30 km orari. Si consideri anche che alcune di queste vie a doppio senso, in passato scena di gravi incidenti occorsi proprio a bambini, hanno una sede stradale di circa 6 metri una parte dei quali dedicati a parcheggio (es.: Via Irolli e il secondo tratto di Via Usellini). Su queste stesse strade ed in prossimità della scuole, sarebbe opportuno, oltre che migliorare la segnaletica, montare anche dei dissuasori di velocità e far si che gli organi preposti esercitino un maggior controllo soprattutto nelle prime ore del mattino e in quelle serali.


- In più punti (es.: Via Gioja altezza incrocio con Via Chessa dal lato delle Terrazze del Presidente) in seguito a lavori eseguiti, non si è provveduto ad una corretto ripristino dei marciapiede al punto che gli stessi non sono percorribili dai pedoni.


- The children's play park Via Ghiglia, as a result of structural failure due to wear (ladders, etc.). And vandalism, have been repaired by willing parents. There are currently a need for new interventions to restore functionality (including benches and litter bins) and to eliminate danger.

Area dogs

E 'for years that if they continue to talk without coming to any conclusion. The high Dog density in the neighborhood, in addition to the rudeness of the owners, it creates obvious unpleasant situations (sidewalks and lawns with manure, etc.)..

new hypermarket and new schools ( issue not previously reported):

In the district are nearing completion and coming to 'opening a new hypermarket, between Via and Via Usellini Gigi Chessa, and two new schools, overlooking Via Menzio). Given the increase in traffic that will be created by the opening of the above new structures (especially dall'ipermercato), we asked about what measures are planned by the administration to minimize the negative effects on local traffic, hoping that the extension of Via Via Acilia Menzio to be opened before the entry into operation of 'hypermarket in order to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic.

Thank you for your attention, we hope that before they had a meeting with the SS.VV., that will allow us can make our contribution to the solution of the above, in order to establish a constructive dialogue between government and citizens.

Waiting for a kind reply, send regards.

Representing the

spontaneous groups of citizens of Axa - Malafede

(in the process of forming in combination)

Roberto Trapani

Gianluca Taccone

Alessandro Polinori

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hiv Testing More Condition_symptoms

Traveling with children , a useful guide for all parents

V Stretch blow plant, perhaps in distant countries, it is certainly an opportunity for growth for our children but may also present risks, especially to the health of children. The trips can offer great opportunities for fun for children, allowing new countries to the knowledge and traditions that can enrich their cultural background, however, every trip can also represent a risk to health. Before taking a trip is necessary that parents are adequately informed about risks and more often more common diseases that can be contracted. The Minister of Tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla, presented on December 10 last year, a brochure entitled "Traveling with children" in order to minimize contingencies related to the trip and allow ai bambini e alle loro famiglie di vivere l’esperienza della vacanza con la massima serenità. Un manuale pratico che affronta quattro argomenti: le vaccinazioni necessarie per viaggiare senza problemi nella maggior parte dei Paesi in via di sviluppo, dove sono endemiche malattie fortunatamente rare nei Paesi sviluppati; la valutazione dei rischi prima di mettersi in viaggio, quelli legati al viaggio stesso e quelli legati all’ambiente che per qualche tempo ci ospiterà; il classico problema di che cosa mettere in valigia; le precauzioni da prendere una volta ritornati a casa (spesso è consigliabile una visita di controllo perché certe malattie possono manifestarsi anche a distanza di tempo). Questa regola vale soprattutto per bambini affetti chronic diseases (cardio-respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency), for those who were exposed to an infectious disease during the journey or who have spent more than three months in a developing country. Read
Handbook: How to travel well and safely with our children

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inflatable Suit Fruit

Improve the quality 'of the Italian school

"Among the regions, Lombardy and 'one that achieves the best results, exceeding the OECD average in reading (522), mathematics (516), science (526). Puglia, which also did well, the only region of the South, gets better results than the average, recovering only 50 points in mathematics'
L 'OECD has today announced the results of the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment
) held in April 2009. The report indicates a reversal of Italy, which dates back in European rankings of six locations in the understanding of Italian than in 2006, three in mathematics, and a position in the sciences.
Italy, announced by the Education Ministry in a note, 'thus one of the countries if it improves in quality' education worldwide.
"It 'a result that makes us proud - said the minister Mariastella Gelmini - Italy finally reversing the downward trend that had lasted ten years.
international rankings put our country among those who were among the most 'significant improvements. In recent years, and 'invested so much on the learning assessment and now we reward results. We grow in areas more 'important climbing six positions in the European charts for the understanding of Italian, three for mathematics and one for science. They are exceptional results which show that the Italian school has improved and not worsened. "
In detail, understanding of the Italian language in Italy goes back six positions in the ranking compared to the year 2006 with an average score of 486. In mathematics, the country dates of three positions compared to 2006 with a score of 483. Finally, in science dates back to Italy in a position European rankings with a score average of 489 students. High school students are scoring good results placing itself above the national average and the OECD average, the students of technical schools are above the national average. Students of northern reach better results with scores well above the OECD average.
but are 'students of the South, in this edition of the survey, to record the most progress, narrowing the gap in scores compared to their peers in the North. This result emphasizes the ministry, and 'was determined by the numerous initiatives carried out in the South through the use of funds PON.
Among the regions, Lombardy and 'what achieves the best results, exceeding the OECD average in reading (522), mathematics (516), science (526). Puglia, which also did well, the only region of the South, gets better results than the average, recovering only 50 points in mathematics.
Italy has selected for the first time a representative sample of schools of every single reality 'Regional and every type of school (high schools, technical colleges, vocational schools, secondary schools, vocational training) for a total of 1,097 institutions and 30,905 students. (AGI)
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