Saturday, December 18, 2010

Free Fish Sticks Episode

Situation Update

With great effort we are working on initiatives that we set out to pursue: the creation of an Association that is interested in the neighborhood and that it follows closely the problems of which we had taken charge watching in the future development further work is also cultural.
For the association we are working to the statute. Once you make the first draft, share it with you all to gather those who will be your suggestions and advice. In this first phase, we are asking for help from professionals who live in the neighborhood who have very kindly offered.
As for the discussion of the issues, to give even to the letter of June, 3 December he was sent a new one below, and that some of you may have read in some newspaper that we sent .
In this moment, there are people who have joined us, creating two working groups, which are taking an interest instead of green areas and a cleaning and the other schools. We hope to give you a quick update also on these two activities.
As we said at the beginning, this activity is taking time and energy to people who deal with it.
Our desire is to increasingly expand the group so it can be rapid and concrete implementation of the ambitious projects we have in the pipeline. Needless
therefore reaffirm that if you go forward you will certainly make you welcome.
Finally we inform you that, with regard to the doubling of Via di Acilia, there are ongoing requests for clarification to the relevant municipal offices by a political group. Deliberately, to maintain as it was in the premise of this group, a non-partisan and non-political profile, do not give further details on this group. Follow, as soon as we have, more news, although for this particular issue, we hope to soon give way to our own personal initiative.
We ask you to disseminate this information among your friends and acquaintances asking those interested to contact us through mail

attached as said the letter sent to City Hall by Alessandro XIII.


the attention. to: James Vizzani ( President of the Municipality XIII )

Renzo Pallotta ( Assessor of Town M. XIII)

Amerigo Olive ( Assessor of Lav., Mobility, Urban Police M. XIII)

Giancarlo Innocenzi ( Councillor for Environmental Policy, Sport, Tourism M. XIII)

Pierfrancesco Marchesi (Chairman Committee on Public Works M. XIII)

Sergio Pannacci (Chairman Planning Commission M. XIII)

Cristiano Rasi (Chairman Committee on Environment M. XIII)

Municipal Police Command XIII Municipio

Stazione Carabinieri di Acilia

In riferimento alla nostra precedente segnalazione, protocollata e consegnata al XIII Municipio in data 8/6/2010 e sostenuta da una petizione popolare di 653 firme, desideriamo innanzitutto ringraziare l’amministrazione per gli interventi che hanno risolto parte dei problemi riguardanti il quartiere di AXA-MALAFEDE, situato alle spalle delle Terrazze del Presidente, ma al tempo stesso, con la presente, chiediamo un altrettanto Vostro pronto intervento per quanto concerne i numerosi problemi sotto riportati, already reported in the previous letter, and in need of urgent resolution:

Way Acilia:

- on the road in the direction of C. Colombo, storm water drains in need of a more constant maintenance. In the 2 channels, as well as garbage varies, are removed from the trunks of two pine trees felled. Given the previous failure, it is hoped that all the pine trees put in this section, was made the necessary checks and inspections to ensure stability.

Via G. Usellini:

- In the initial part, which runs from Via Via E. Acilia Joy, the lights of what is the main access road to the neighborhood, are now extinct for about 3 years. On the same stretch of road just after the middle of that, one of the lampposts previously killed in a car accident (we're talking about 4 years ago), has never been replaced.

- The sidewalks of both sides, towards the end of Via Acilia, have not been completed and force pedestrians to do this stretch Street, plus no signs that either floor on poles that favors a less risky crossing, to expose himself while running, to serious dangers. Hopefully not citing that the section is affected by the expected doubling.

- On the right side of the street, at the gas station Erg, still a construction site idle for a long time then that leads under the sidewalk. During the rainy this hole fills with water causing a situation of serious danger as well as unhealthy as being a source of water even in the long-continued rains ceased. The area of \u200b\u200bthis small site, in addition to being poorly protected, the roadway is not adequately segnalata. Questo, in aggiunta ai problemi dei lampioni non funzionanti, costituisce un ulteriore fonte di pericolo.

- Il canale per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana situato all’incrocio con Via di Acilia direzione Acilia, in seguito a lavori effettuati nelle sue vicinanze, è rimasto ostruito. In occasione delle piogge, quel tratto di Via di Acilia, oltre a diventare inaccessibile ai pedoni, allagandosi diventa pericoloso anche per auto e moto. L’acqua che ne fuoriesce, si riversa sulla discesa che porta poi a Piazza Eschilo causando anche li situazioni di pericolo.

- All’incrocio con Via Gioja, il tombino per la raccolta di acqua piovana is blocked by the earth. This land, mixed with water, the rain arrives at the ground near the intersection on the right, where the containment wall clearly can not contain the quantity.

This, as well as to form a huge puddle on the crossing, causing a deep hole in the asphalt. It should be noted that, in the pit, action and repair of municipal employees are made quickly, but on a regular basis, it shall be reopened immediately after the first rain the next. It 'obvious that all efforts are thwarted by the clogged drain that allows water to run off.

The initial stretch of Via Usellini and next at the intersection with Via Calderara di Piazza Omiccioli, there are several dead trees. On the same street and Via G. Chessa after the planting of these trees, which occurred about three years ago, has never been done to restore the lawn around the trees with a suitable edging.

Via Oscar Ghiglia:

The initial stretch of this road, street maps and plans exist on (the real one, almost completed and never completed, what should through the current site of the Terraces of the President and which is closed and controlled view) , besides not being lit and have no sidewalks, has a number of situations that create danger

- long the stretch leading the junction with Via Gioia, the mast on this curve is practically on the road and, besides not having any protection, nor is it reported;

- the junction with Via Gioia has not good visibility for those coming from this direction if coming from Route of Acilia;

- the wall made for the new building site Via mellitus with which the street is surrounded, come too close to the roadway without adequate protection and monitoring with a long stretch, however, where there is asphalt.

Traffic and Safety:

The district has 5 main roads all of which are parallel to each other 2 to one-way (the second section of Chester Street and Via Usellini) and three two-way (street Irolli, Via and Via Menzio Ghiglia). These are the ways through which one enters and leaves the district and che consentono la viabilità interna di tutta la zona.

La velocità consentita ai veicoli non è rapportata all’alta frequenza di attraversamenti pedonali, soprattutto di bambini (molto numerosi nella zona anche per la presenza di diverse scuole). Sarebbe bene limitare, come avviene nelle zone di stessa tipologia, la velocità a 30 km orari. Si consideri anche che alcune di queste vie a doppio senso, in passato scena di gravi incidenti occorsi proprio a bambini, hanno una sede stradale di circa 6 metri una parte dei quali dedicati a parcheggio (es.: Via Irolli e il secondo tratto di Via Usellini). Su queste stesse strade ed in prossimità della scuole, sarebbe opportuno, oltre che migliorare la segnaletica, montare anche dei dissuasori di velocità e far si che gli organi preposti esercitino un maggior controllo soprattutto nelle prime ore del mattino e in quelle serali.


- In più punti (es.: Via Gioja altezza incrocio con Via Chessa dal lato delle Terrazze del Presidente) in seguito a lavori eseguiti, non si è provveduto ad una corretto ripristino dei marciapiede al punto che gli stessi non sono percorribili dai pedoni.


- The children's play park Via Ghiglia, as a result of structural failure due to wear (ladders, etc.). And vandalism, have been repaired by willing parents. There are currently a need for new interventions to restore functionality (including benches and litter bins) and to eliminate danger.

Area dogs

E 'for years that if they continue to talk without coming to any conclusion. The high Dog density in the neighborhood, in addition to the rudeness of the owners, it creates obvious unpleasant situations (sidewalks and lawns with manure, etc.)..

new hypermarket and new schools ( issue not previously reported):

In the district are nearing completion and coming to 'opening a new hypermarket, between Via and Via Usellini Gigi Chessa, and two new schools, overlooking Via Menzio). Given the increase in traffic that will be created by the opening of the above new structures (especially dall'ipermercato), we asked about what measures are planned by the administration to minimize the negative effects on local traffic, hoping that the extension of Via Via Acilia Menzio to be opened before the entry into operation of 'hypermarket in order to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic.

Thank you for your attention, we hope that before they had a meeting with the SS.VV., that will allow us can make our contribution to the solution of the above, in order to establish a constructive dialogue between government and citizens.

Waiting for a kind reply, send regards.

Representing the

spontaneous groups of citizens of Axa - Malafede

(in the process of forming in combination)

Roberto Trapani

Gianluca Taccone

Alessandro Polinori


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