Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lichen Planus More Condition_symptoms

What awaits Regional Director to arrange the appointments of all DSGA suitable for mobility?

Leonardo Donofrio (photo) of the IUniScuoLa advises you to send an email to Managers of education offices and all of Lombardy ' Regional Education Authority for Lombardy (e-mail: segrdirettore-lombardia@istruzione.it ) to ask for the indefinite term appointment of DSGA suitable mobility professionale con decorrenza a tutti gli effetti dal 1° settembre 2009

I DIRETTORE DEI SERVIZI GENERALI E AMMINISTRATIVI idonei alla mobilità professionale personale ATA (ex art 1, comma 2 sequenza contrattuale 25 luglio 2008) in Lombardia risultano 174 (circa la metà dei posti disponibili) e precisamente :
Bergamo 13- Brescia 9 -Como 8 -Lecco 11 -Lodi 6 -Mantova 7 99-Milan-Pavia 7-Varese 6.

then we invite you to send an 'e-mail to responsible Offices Provincial School.
Basically we list the addresses and the text of the appeal (if you want to change the subject, the gate to prevent e-mail as spam ).
usp.bg istruzione.it
@ mailto: @ usp.bs istruzione.it
mailto: usp.cr istruzione.it
usp.lc @ @ @ istruzione.it
usp.lo istruzione.it
usp.mn @ istruzione.it
urp.mi @ istruzione.it
usp.pv istruzione.it
usp.so @ @ @ istruzione.it
usp.va istruzione.it

TEXT-Summary: the appointment time limit of DSGA eligible

For Managers of USP Lombardy
Dear Manager, we refer to the intentions of the Director-General 's Office for School to appoint only Lombardy part of the fit for professional mobility in application of ex Article 1, paragraph 2 sequence contract July 25, 2008. Recall that in addition to being eligible in the ranking of provincial ....... served in the current year at the school ....... as DSGA with a length of service over years.
is also recalled that many judgments of the courts of the work of the tribunal have established "that the civil service, then the school must apply to the Community legislation provides for the taking-time-limit after three consecutive contracts in the same seat "work. E 'should be adopted measures of accommodation role in all suitable to avoid litigation. ( court against Gelmini : required to hire temporary workers after three years in a row )
Convinced that take into account the our demands, Best regards. LAST NAME

ref.: Lombardy Regional Coordination of suitable DSGA scioperosilenziosoiuniscuola@gmail.com

Friday, October 15, 2010

Foliculitis More Condition_symptoms

Teachers support: enabled additional 64 places in Lombardy support

IUniScuoLa : Here is the press release Direzione Generale sulle cattedre di sostegno attivate in Lombardia.
Docenti di sostegno: attivati in Lombardia 554 posti aggiuntivi
I ragazzi disabili che frequentano le scuole statali lombarde avranno a disposizione un maggior numero di docenti di sostegno: la Direzione Generale dell’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia ha infatti disposto l’attivazione di ulteriori 64 posti di sostegno, che fanno seguito ai 490 già precedentemente istituiti in aggiunta ai numeri assegnati dal Ministero all’organico della Lombardia.
Nel quadro stabilito dalla sentenza della Corte Costituzionale 80/10 – che ha sancito l’illegittimità del limite posto dalla legge finanziaria 2007 al numero di posti support activities - 554 additional teaching posts have been authorized examining the individual cases presented by schools and regional offices, with particular reference to the hundreds of new certifications received after the start of the school and students from other provinces. This brings to 12,218 the total teaching support enabled in Lombardy, compared to 28,148 disabled students attending government schools.
However, it remains the dramatic problem of recruitment of teachers in Lombardy rankings of teachers specialized in teaching students with disabilities are generally depleted and schools are forced to resort to unskilled , further confirmation of the unsatisfactory results of the present system of recruitment, rising substantially from the rules of 1999, reveals its fragility. The Director
generaleGiuseppe Colosio

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Intitlei-catcher Console-web Monitor

School - at the start of measures to put in security for the buildings

Ruffino,''for the first time resources allocated directly to municipalities and provinces'', Reggi,''now desirable to assign quick excerpt from the second floor''

will start the emergency measures put in safety of school buildings identified by the recent detection . With the publication in the Official Journal of the excerpt from the 1st floor Commons listed, will sign the agreements with the Ministry of Infrastructure, activate the procedures to start the work and receive, in time, the funding thereof. "For the first time, the resources will be channeled directly to municipalities and provinces, and this procedure will allow a greater degree of preparedness,''said Daniel Ruffino Anci delegated to the school.
"With these first 358 million-euro adds Roberto Reggi delegated to the Infrastructure Association-will be activated more than 1,700 work on school buildings on the national territory. The direct delivery to local authorities is an important result of the work di concertazione portato avanti nei mesi scorsi dall’ANCI, e dalle Province, con i Ministeri delle Infrastrutture e dell’Istruzione e auspichiamo – conclude - che si proceda rapidamente all’assegnazione, con la medesima procedura, delle rimanenti risorse finanziarie perché la messa in sicurezza degli edifici scolastici è prioritaria per i Comuni”.
Fonte Anci

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yeast Infections More Condition_symptoms

USR Lombardia: 490 seats in derogation of support for 2010/2011


TENUTO CONTO che con sentenza n. 80 del 22 febbraio 2010 n. 80 la Corte
Constitution establishes the illegality of Article. 2, c. 413, the Law of 24 December 2007
No 244 in so far as setting a ceiling on the number of seats
support teachers and art. 2, c. 414 of Law
244, 2007, to the extent that it excludes the possibility, already envisaged by the law of 27 December 1997
No 449, to assign teachers to classes
support notwithstanding that there are students with severe disabilities, once used the
means of protection under existing law

FOUND the need to allow - within the meaning of art. 9, c. 15, DL n.78/2010, converted by Law 122/2010 - notwithstanding the support of people authorized on the de facto quota of AS 2010/2011

for 2010/2011 as , are allowed no more 490 seats support notwithstanding the quota already determined by its note of July 28, 2010, prot. No 12677

Read Number of support notwithstanding the 2010/2011