Monday, November 29, 2010

Harley Davidson Birthday Cake, Cards

School buildings, 50 million € for Lombardy

MIUR Press - November 29, 2010

"In the province of Milan, the work will involve 54 buildings, with an investment of 17.35 million euro, while only in the City 25 actions are planned, funded with € 7,870,000 »
Starts Work on 152 more urgent
Minister of Education, University and Research Mariastella Gelmini today unveiled the most urgent provided in Lombardy from the extraordinary plan for school construction.
the region has been assigned to the share most of the funds available, almost 50 million €.
With the release of 358 million, the first tranche of one billion that the government is a total set aside for school construction, the extraordinary plan has identified 1,706 more urgent for the safety of schools to be carried out throughout Italy. Of these, 152 relate to their school buildings in Lombardy. In the province of Milan, the work will involve 54 buildings, with an investment of € 17,350,000, while in the communication to be only 25 interventions, financed with € 7,870,000.
The 152 priority actions have been identified through a monitoring of the buildings involved both structural elements (structures portanti, coperture, intonaci, impianti di riscaldamento, impianti idrico, impianti igienico sanitario), sia gli elementi non strutturali (controsoffitti, tramezzature, parapetti, data di costruzione e ultima ristrutturazione, stato di conservazione ed eventuale degrado, rischio sismico, presenza di barriere architettoniche, presenza di amianto, certificazione antincendio, idoneità statica). L'importanza di questi ultimi è stata dimostrata anche dalla tragica vicenda del Liceo Darwin di Rivoli. Dopo l'intesa raggiunta nella Conferenza Stato-Regioni il 28 gennaio 2009, sono state costituite 466 squadre tecniche che hanno svolto sopralluoghi nelle scuole di tutte le regioni italiane. Solo in Lombardia sono state attivate 35 squadre who have carried out checks in schools in 5432, monitoring well over 86% of school buildings in the region.
Following the visits, only one school has been declared completely unusable.

For more information, see: Press Release-May 24, 2010 - Security school presented today at Palazzo Isimbardi the extraordinary plan of over € 7 million for the buildings of the Province of Milan School Sprit. Experiences of theatrical anthropology Education and School construction Lazzati Marina (pictured)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big Toe Pain More Condition_symptoms

Benefits provided by Law 104 of 1992, or the law 68/1999: random inspections of school managers beneficiaries

Regulation on requirements for school personnel to document the requirements to take advantage of the benefits provided by L. 104/1992 or L. 68/1999. In its findings are expected to sample in the management beneficiaries.
IUniScuoLa here note Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 18393 of November 17, 2010
Office of the Directorate General VII - Executive, administrative, technical and education, addressed to the headmasters of schools of all levels of Lombardy
Subject: Decree 165, 30/07/2010 - Regulation on requirements for school personnel to document the requirements to take advantage of the benefits provided by L. Or by Law 104/1992 68/1999.Accertamenti a sample of school managers beneficiaries The regulation, issued jointly tra il Ministro dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, il Ministro della Salute e il Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali ai sensi dell’art. 1, c. 4 decies della L. 167/2009, riguarda i benefici che il personale della scuola – compresi i dirigenti scolastici – chiede e/o ha chiesto di fruire in ordine a:
-diritto di precedenza nell’assegnazione della sede e diritto di scelta, ove possibile, nella sede più vicina al proprio domicilio (artt. 21 e 33, c. 6 della L. 104/92);
-diritto del familiare o affidatario di persona con handicap in situazione di gravità a scegliere, ove possibile, la sede più vicina al domicilio individuato (art. 33, cc. 5 e 7 della L. 104/92);-
reserves the right to place under and within the limits established by L. 68/99, art. 3:18, c. 2.
school administrators placed on role in the region other than the residence must be transmitted to the relevant Regional Education Office documents to prove its entitlement to receive benefits in question within 30 days of the service, those who were recruited from the school year 2009/10, within 30 days after entry into force. (in OJ of 10.06.2010 No 234-In force since 21.10.2010)
Article. 3 of the Regulation provides that in specified and justified reasons, may lead to further investigations regarding the existence of personal or family conditions that give the right to avail of the benefits concerned. These findings must be made by a company other than health that issued the previous certificate.
Moreover, regardless of the use of special reasons, the findings can be placed on a sample basis of criteria that must be predefined. And these are defined and publicized these criteria in accordance with Art. 3, paragraph 2 of the Regulation mentioned above:
-is considered a sample of at least 5% of school managers who enjoy the benefits listed above
- the identification of school managers in respect of which proceed the investigation will be done using a random method, such as table of random numbers.
More, Click Here

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sango Nova Black Replacement Plate

Villa fralana

The meeting of the Volunteer Group of the Citizens 16Novembre 2010 which was attended by about 15 people, lasted about 2 hours.

These following topics discussed and decisions taken:

- It will provide a non-profit, apolitical and non-party that will aim to improve the quality of life in the district through monitoring and, where necessary, the request for action by the institutions. Initiatives and interventions in specific cases direct but will not be excluded.

The first step in the establishment of the association, will draw up a draft charter, which will work a group of people last night at the meeting, gave their A readiness. Any further requests for participation in this group are unwelcome. Once drafted, the draft will be discussed and disclosed changes.

equal Another objective of the association, will be to work towards the restoration and enhancement of the archaeological site of Villa Fralana in our district, through projects supported by agencies and research funds.

- Another group inizierà da subito a sollecitare il Municipio sugli argomenti riportati nella lettera di giugno e che risultano ancora irrisolti (viabilità, chiarezza sulla cura del verde, ecc.);

- Un ulteriore gruppo, organizzerà la festa dell’albero che consisterà nella piantumazione di essenze arboree che, gratuitamente e grazie alla richiesta fatta dalla LIPU di Ostia, otterremo dal vivaio della Guardia Forestale di Sabaudia. L’idea, affinchè l’iniziativa sia utile al coinvolgimento degli abitanti e faccia anche da stimolo alla socializzazione, è quella di far adottare una o più piante alle famiglie del quartiere. Tutto This is also in agreement with the local elementary school.

When you need to create more working groups to follow:

· Green areas and cleanliness of the neighborhood

· Construction, completion and opening of schools in our area (Nursery and Kindergarten Via Via Molajoli Menzio and averages).

· Neighbourhood social

Abbiamo bisogno di altre persone che si candidino per la partecipazione ai gruppi.

Nel blog è possibile prendere visione della presentazione fatta da Mario Vari, Gianluca Taccone e Roberto Trapani proiettata durante l’incontro e dove sono meglio spiegate le tematiche sopra indicate.

Chi volesse chiedere ulteriori informazioni o eventuali spiegazioni, potrà farlo inviandoci una mail all’indirizzo

Nel frattempo la pubblichiamo qui sotto.

Vi terremo aggiornati sul prosieguo delle attività. Per il momento vi chiediamo se la condividete di divulgare la nostra iniziativa ai vostri conoscenti.

Abbiamo intenzione di fare volantinaggio di quanto scritto sopra in tutte le cassette postali del quartiere.

Ci servirebbe quindi aiuto nel fare fotocopie e nella distribuzione di 1000 volantini. Chi può fare le fotocopie ci scriva per favore quante ne riesce a fare.

Gruppo Spontaneo di Cittandini Axamalafede.

Monday, November 8, 2010

West Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

increase in Lombardy SEN teachers and reduce support

"in the South more new jobs and new support people with disabilities' (source Tuttoscuola)

The ministry of education announced in recent days to trade unions the data on the current situation of the state school for the current school year. On the relationship between disabled students and support teachers come to my attention a surprising change from a year scorso.5.266 places more support to tackle un aumento di 7.272 alunni disabili: l’intervento dell’Amministrazione scolastica, dunque, è stato, nel suo complesso, generoso, se si considera che la legge prevede un insegnante di sostegno ogni due disabili. Ma se si entra nel dettaglio non si può confermare che esso sia stato caratterizzato dal principio dell’equità.Ancora una volta, come Tuttoscuola aveva evidenziato nel proprio dossier del settembre scorso , il Meridione, pur avendo avuto un minor aumento del numero di alunni disabili, ha invece ottenuto più posti di sostegno di quanti, in proporzione, gliene spettassero. Come dire, il Miur nell’anno in corso ha… perseverato.Mettendo a confronto i nuovi posti di sostegno rilevati dal Miur con quelli effettivi del 2009-10, nelle aree meridionali l’aumento di posti di sostegno è stato superiore all’aumento di alunni disabili: 2.645 posti di sostegno in più al Sud per un aumento di 1.470 alunni disabili; aumento di 1.298 posti nelle Isole per far fronte ad una invarianza del numero di disabili. E al Nord? Il rapporto si rovescia: solo 875 nuovi posti a fronte di un incremento di 4.074 disabili.La Campania, con un aumento di 645 alunni disabili, ha avuto un aumento di 1.198 posti di sostegno (e ora ha un rapporto disabili/insegnati sostegno di 1,71); la Sicilia, pur avendo avuto una diminuzione di 105 alunni disabili, è stata premiata con 1.048 posti in più; la Puglia, con un aumento di 220 alunni disabili ha avuto un incremento of 631 posti.Qualcuno could imagine that this extraordinary attention is served to offset a serious inequality than other regions. Not at all. Just the opposite, because, as the dossier Tuttoscuola noted at the time, the regions of South and Islands had a relationship with disabilities / support more favorable, well below the national average of two to one. There were, in short, more teachers than in proportion should have been. The situation has now improved to further those regions, while it decreases for others. Lombardy, for example, while profiting from this year's increase of 384 seats (each dealing with an increase of 1,832 pupils disabled), the relationship has worsened over recent years, bringing it to 2.26 to 2.34 , the Veneto has been an increase of 273 seats compared with an increase of 877 disabled students entered, from a relationship 2.12 to 2.17. Thank you, therefore, by this attention, the ratio of disabled / support has worsened in the northern and central rising an average of 0.05 points, while the south has improved (+0.12) and the Islands (+0.18 ).

Stress Fractures More Condition_symptoms

11/16/2010 Meeting Report at 21


As you noticed, in the district were recently made considerable progress and many of the issues in the letter signed by 653 persons and delivered to the Town Hall in June have been resolved (cleaning of parks and sidewalks, safety of the park drains, repair sidewalks, removal of the tree trunk on the final route of Acilia, cleaning area owned by the Vicariate of square Omiccioli repeated cleaning, repair of pit road junction via Usellini Panerai construction of street signs Menzio crossing route Acilia replace part of broken boxes) while others are under construction (Park Street Menzio).

We absolutely do not want to take credit for this, but the fact remains that the interventions were made after sending the letter to the Town Hall above.
At this point we think it is appropriate to structure a bit 'in order to better take the form of an entity recognized as having interest in the neighborhood.
We thought the establishment of an association open to free participation of citizens with no limits on political, racial, ethnic or religious, and should aim to follow closely the development of the issues that many have shown sensitivity as: • Traffic

• Cleaning and maintenance of green areas with particular emphasis on the area of \u200b\u200ban area for dogs;
• Monitoring of completion, delivery and opening of new schools;
• Liveability and socializing in the neighborhood (eg: party of the tree, collecting signatures for the proposed construction of the church of the district, etc.).
• Any other course will be proposed by participants at the meeting.

has also recently added another issue worthy, in our view, noting:

The rediscovery of the Roman villa located in the Park Street between Chester Street and mentioned that currently is in a state of profound neglect. This, if properly exploited, could give a new characterization to our neighborhood.
This issue has been proposed by Mario A number that you will know at the next meeting. Mario has previous experience in the field and also has always lived in the neighborhood.

If we agree on the formation of the steps would be implemented:

• Count and see how many are available;
• Create a working group to draft the statutes of the association;
• information regarding the on the creation and operation of the association.

on immediate but you will begin to work actively on the issues previously mentioned. So we have already identified at this meeting, referring to the issues that we want to occupy.

At this stage we will create the association, in presenting to our contacts (Hall, agencies, etc..), We refer to as a spontaneous group of third-Axamalafede in the process of creating an association.

We therefore propose a meeting on November 16 at 21.00 in the gazebo of the restaurant "de gustibus" site on a corner square Omiccioli Chessa, to compare notes on the above.

Gianluca and Roberto

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stomach Upset More Condition_symptoms

Launch Plan for nutrition education in schools of Lombardy

Define the actions of the Lombardy Region on the face of nutrition education in schools, including universities, for the year 2010-2011.
The council has agreed on the proposal of Agriculture, Giulio De Capitani, and the simplification and digitization, Carlo Maccari . "On 12 May this year - said De Capitani - together to the Regional Education, Training and Employment Gianni Rossoni, we signed a memorandum of understanding with the Union of the Provinces, the Association of Municipalities, the School Office regional and the Museum of Science and Technology, through which the Lombardy joined the program of the Ministry of Education, University and Research 'School and food'. "
"To change your eating habits, to develop a full awareness of the consumption and real freedom of choice - said the commissioner - is not sufficient to inform, educate rather be in the full sense of the term, which is why we turn first to the schools and children. With the 2010-2011 school year begins the Lombardy Region, through 'school and food', a five-year plan for nutrition education. Objectives of this program: to promote knowledge and the importance of agriculture and agri-food products, to stimulate the adoption of correct behaviors in nutrition, support interdisciplinary nutrition education, educating the taste, excellent production from Lombard authentic voices of our territory and guarantee high controls.
The theme - "Feeding the planet, Energy for Life "- the largest international exhibition of 2015 in Milan is an incentive to encourage healthy eating, to ensure quality and hygienic safety of food, to prevent social diseases by eating properly and enhance the local products. A" School and food, "will join the new project" Towards Expo 2015 - A route of nutrition education ", which will affect primary schools in the first instance and then extended to the secondary, thus engaging all citizens of Lombardy, with the involvement of parents and students over .
"The protection of the consumer - said the councilor for simplification and digitization Carlo Maccari - play an increasingly important role in policy regional and engages well with the theme and programming in view of the Expo, which should be seen chiefly as an opportunity to 'do culture' through an issue as vital as food. "
" With this round of shares in the schools - said Maccari - throw a concrete bridge to the Expo, promoting awareness of proper eating habits and helping consumers to identify and choose products for guaranteed origin, quality and wholesomeness. "
" Regione Lombardia - said De Capitani - dedicated and devoted great attention to the issue of nutrition. Among the projects carried out I remember 'Ortocircuito', which now feed into the ministerial program and the Union European 'School Fruit Scheme', and experience, always fascinating and educational, the farm ".
(California News / Ln - Milano))