Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big Toe Pain More Condition_symptoms

Benefits provided by Law 104 of 1992, or the law 68/1999: random inspections of school managers beneficiaries

Regulation on requirements for school personnel to document the requirements to take advantage of the benefits provided by L. 104/1992 or L. 68/1999. In its findings are expected to sample in the management beneficiaries.
IUniScuoLa here note Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 18393 of November 17, 2010
Office of the Directorate General VII - Executive, administrative, technical and education, addressed to the headmasters of schools of all levels of Lombardy
Subject: Decree 165, 30/07/2010 - Regulation on requirements for school personnel to document the requirements to take advantage of the benefits provided by L. Or by Law 104/1992 68/1999.Accertamenti a sample of school managers beneficiaries The regulation, issued jointly tra il Ministro dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, il Ministro della Salute e il Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali ai sensi dell’art. 1, c. 4 decies della L. 167/2009, riguarda i benefici che il personale della scuola – compresi i dirigenti scolastici – chiede e/o ha chiesto di fruire in ordine a:
-diritto di precedenza nell’assegnazione della sede e diritto di scelta, ove possibile, nella sede più vicina al proprio domicilio (artt. 21 e 33, c. 6 della L. 104/92);
-diritto del familiare o affidatario di persona con handicap in situazione di gravità a scegliere, ove possibile, la sede più vicina al domicilio individuato (art. 33, cc. 5 e 7 della L. 104/92);-
reserves the right to place under and within the limits established by L. 68/99, art. 3:18, c. 2.
school administrators placed on role in the region other than the residence must be transmitted to the relevant Regional Education Office documents to prove its entitlement to receive benefits in question within 30 days of the service, those who were recruited from the school year 2009/10, within 30 days after entry into force. (in OJ of 10.06.2010 No 234-In force since 21.10.2010)
Article. 3 of the Regulation provides that in specified and justified reasons, may lead to further investigations regarding the existence of personal or family conditions that give the right to avail of the benefits concerned. These findings must be made by a company other than health that issued the previous certificate.
Moreover, regardless of the use of special reasons, the findings can be placed on a sample basis of criteria that must be predefined. And these are defined and publicized these criteria in accordance with Art. 3, paragraph 2 of the Regulation mentioned above:
-is considered a sample of at least 5% of school managers who enjoy the benefits listed above
- the identification of school managers in respect of which proceed the investigation will be done using a random method, such as table of random numbers.
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