Formigoni The president and the minister Gelmini the presentation of a 120 million for research. To the left and right of the commissioner Rossoni Secretary Cavalli
C entoventi million € in three years (2011-2013) to develop in Lombardy research and innovation in key sectors such as agribusiness, aerospace, sustainable construction, automotive and energy and renewables, as well as to enhance the activity of technological districts already operating biotechnology, ICT and new materials.
E 'as it provides the program agreement between the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, signed by President Roberto Formigoni and the Minister Mariastella Gelmini . Through the agreement
Regione Lombardia and Ministry fielding respectively € 61,650,000 and € 59,000,000 to implement initiatives for industrial research, pre-competitive development, higher education and enhancement of research results in areas considered strategic for the ' Lombard economy and for the further development of the positions of excellence already achieved in many fields. The researchers will be supported with tax relief measures. At this important milestone has been reached, for the Region, thanks to active cooperation of the Vice President and Head of Industry and Handicrafts Andrea Gibelli, Councillor for Education, Training and Gianni Rossoni and the Secretary of Labor Research, Universities and Alberto Cavalli.
"At a time of economic difficulty - said Formigoni - Region and the Ministry dedicated to finding a major investment. This is a strong message of positive content. These funds are like a turbo engine that is inserted into the Lombard economy. There expect, thanks to the use of these funds, the birth of new patents and new products. " "We are investing a lot about the university and research - said Formigoni - to make our companies more competitive, the work of our citizens, the whole of Lombardy and the entire country." In this regard Formigoni pointed out, among other action, action on the regional nerve center (which has joined the regional system), as well as investments in university residences. "Check this agreement - said the minister Gelmini - a special value, because I hope it is the first in a series of similar agreements to be signed with the other regions. It is also a first step in implementing the reform of the University, that one of its main efforts to combine research with innovation, competitiveness and the production system. "
LINES OF ACTION - The specific actions will be organized in three axes - System Actions, Strengthening the competitiveness of Lombard, Strengthening the culture of innovation within the industrial system of Lombardy - and require different interventions to support the creation of new enterprises and industrial application of research results, including through the use of innovative forms of finance (on the basis of the positive experience of Next Fund). Essential in these projects also involve other public, private, mixed and non-profit organization, called to give their input. With this agreement is given effect to an initial Memorandum of Understanding signed, again by the president and the minister Gelmini Formigoni, July 19 last year. The agreement specifically provides for the development system of investments and initiatives for research through Using a combination of sources of funding regional and state.
RESOURCES - Resources allocated a total amount of € 120,650,000.
Regione Lombardia provides € 61,650,000, of which: - 25 million for the support and development investment and research in priority thematic areas (food processing, aerospace, sustainable construction, automotive and energy and renewables); - 13 million for initiatives to strengthen human capital in research and applied research projects carried out by universities and enterprises (Dote Dote researchers and applied research), - 23.650000000 for actions in support of innovative projects in the areas covered by the agreement (12 million), actions to support the creation of innovative start-ups (5 million), support the attractiveness of the region through a venture capital fund Next II (2 million) and initiatives to accompany the demand and supply of innovation (from 4 million contract), in addition to 650,000 euro for the strengthening of the system, this is for study.
The Ministry allocates 59 million to support projects of industrial research and pre-competitive development and the creation of new enterprises with high technological content.
(California News / Ln - Milano)
"At a time of economic difficulty - said Formigoni - Region and the Ministry dedicated to finding a major investment. This is a strong message of positive content. These funds are like a turbo engine that is inserted into the Lombard economy. There expect, thanks to the use of these funds, the birth of new patents and new products. " "We are investing a lot about the university and research - said Formigoni - to make our companies more competitive, the work of our citizens, the whole of Lombardy and the entire country." In this regard Formigoni pointed out, among other action, action on the regional nerve center (which has joined the regional system), as well as investments in university residences. "Check this agreement - said the minister Gelmini - a special value, because I hope it is the first in a series of similar agreements to be signed with the other regions. It is also a first step in implementing the reform of the University, that one of its main efforts to combine research with innovation, competitiveness and the production system. "
LINES OF ACTION - The specific actions will be organized in three axes - System Actions, Strengthening the competitiveness of Lombard, Strengthening the culture of innovation within the industrial system of Lombardy - and require different interventions to support the creation of new enterprises and industrial application of research results, including through the use of innovative forms of finance (on the basis of the positive experience of Next Fund). Essential in these projects also involve other public, private, mixed and non-profit organization, called to give their input. With this agreement is given effect to an initial Memorandum of Understanding signed, again by the president and the minister Gelmini Formigoni, July 19 last year. The agreement specifically provides for the development system of investments and initiatives for research through Using a combination of sources of funding regional and state.
RESOURCES - Resources allocated a total amount of € 120,650,000.
Regione Lombardia provides € 61,650,000, of which: - 25 million for the support and development investment and research in priority thematic areas (food processing, aerospace, sustainable construction, automotive and energy and renewables); - 13 million for initiatives to strengthen human capital in research and applied research projects carried out by universities and enterprises (Dote Dote researchers and applied research), - 23.650000000 for actions in support of innovative projects in the areas covered by the agreement (12 million), actions to support the creation of innovative start-ups (5 million), support the attractiveness of the region through a venture capital fund Next II (2 million) and initiatives to accompany the demand and supply of innovation (from 4 million contract), in addition to 650,000 euro for the strengthening of the system, this is for study.
The Ministry allocates 59 million to support projects of industrial research and pre-competitive development and the creation of new enterprises with high technological content.
(California News / Ln - Milano)
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