What is this?
The walking bus is a bus that goes on foot, is formed by a caravan of kids, "passengers" who go to school in groups accompanied by two adults, a "driver" in front and a "controller" that closes the row.
The walking bus, like a bus, from a terminal and following an established route to collect passengers "stop" in place along the path, while respecting the fixed time.
The walking bus travels with the sun and the rain.
Along the way children chat with their friends, learn useful things on road safety and earn a bit 'of independence.
The walking bus is a reality in many countries around the world and begins to spread even in Italy.
It 's the safest, most environmentally friendly and fun way to get to and from school.
We can also involve children in kindergarten Menzio Street when it opens.
The courses will be modified depending on where you live in the children participating.
For general information: www.piedibus.it
will post updates in this blog.
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