Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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The simplicity that the powerful do not want

During the last national committees of the PRC has established a kind of program to bet on. A few key points developed in a practical, specifying where to find the money and where to invest. As soon as technical details and insights.

With a wealth tax of 0.5% on income Superion to € 800,000 and 1% on those over 2 million euro you can find the funds to immediately grant an income of 500 social € monthly for those who are unemployed and lower taxes on workers and pensioners: redistribuiamo income in favor of the poor!

cutting the salaries of Parliamentarians, the golden advice to institutions and companies you can start from now useless with the stabilization of public officials. To arrive in the near future to a more general stabilization.

blocking the great works can be costly and unnecessary to use the funds to invest: public transport to sustainable mobility, renewable energy, energy conservation and rehabilitation of hydro-geological territory.

4) Schools, Universities', RESEARCH AND CULTURE:
facilities from public knowledge and research are upgradeable invest more public money that is recoverable by cutting military spending. Exchange war dead and a public cultural education more valuable and secure!

5) BLOCK Relocation: Making
return to businesses that relocate all facilities and public funding received.


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