presented the list unitary "Left Pisapia. Basilio Rizzo leaders. Pisapia safe: "We will win." Have not joined, however, the Greens and Sel
A little over two months of the Municipal, the radical left Milan has finally decided to officially present. Squaring the circle, at least as was thought at the beginning, it has not arrived.
In the end, the only person really organized and now headquartered in the city council has joined the project list is the United Federation of the Left, in addition to the Humanist Party (which usually occurs alone, but this time has long announced to support Giuliano Pisapia ) and independent civic engagement.
CAPOL RIZZO - is independent and not entered in FDS, is the leaders, Basilio Rizzo , life from an opponent in the council before the benches of proletarian democracy, then the Greens finally elected to the U.S. list with Dario For. The list of candidates will be equally divided between women and men. For some time the Greens and the Left and Freedom had declared their unwillingness to a common list. Therefore, the list is orphaned other major components of the radical left in Milan. But this remains enthusiastic promoters, who believe blindly in the final victory di Pisapia.
PISAPIA: "MAI VISTA LISTA COSI' UNITA" - E il candidato sindaco dichiara: "Riunirsi attorno al mio nome è importante, ma è più importante il fatto che si sia trovato un accordo sul progetto. Questa è la coalizione di centro-sinistra più estesa, larga e unitaria che si sia mai trovata a Milano, è allargata a mondi che finora non erano stati nel centro-sinistra".