: Nicholasville to join the Communists in a single list. Brandolini pushes for unity with the Italian Communists and coined the slogan (against the list of "Left to Nicholls and for the unity of Communists)
" They splitting, we Unity. Rifondazione A Nicholls Italian Communists and Communist together into one list Communist http://rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2009/04/unita-dei-comunisti-nichelino.html
June 2009: The list of communist take more than 1,300 votes (5%) and Brandolini is not elected in the municipal council, despite the help of some friends is only the third most votes of the list (just under 60 votes). According to an agreement of the electoral list shall notify the commissioner had to be Communist Refoundation and the party was discussing Brandolini councilor. Catizone impose itself and gives the Department the assessor to the budget already Renato Marando, the most voted list of the Communist
Brandolini A few days after loading a video Marando against the party on youtube channel
Secretary of the Communist Refoundation resigns from city council to make room for a young man who represents the common list: Marco Brandolini http://rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2009/06/risultato-della-lista-comunista-alle.html
Meanwhile, in the Nicholasville management of the two parties agree to establish a national laboratory for the unity of Communists http: / / rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2009/06/comunicato-stampa-dei-comunisti-di.html
April 2010: Rumors begin to giving the adviser to the party Brandolini Vendola and in our continued fight against Renato alderman Marando. In common begin to assume the purification of Commons in the bargain.
September 2010: The mayor Catizone, print, media-hunting communists and the commissioner Marando by the junta. The articles show an attack on the counselor Brandolini "The blame for this storm would be Marco Brandolini, young and pyrotechnic City Council of the PRC that, for some months now, it was sewn on the nickname of" thorn in the side "of the majority" .
The commissioner, disappointed by the conduct of the mayor, he resigned.
Pubblicamente diversi consiglieri ed assessori di maggioranza ed opposizione danno solidarietà a Renato Marando.
Ottobre 2010: i comunisti della Federazione della Sinistra buttati all'opposizione. Si avvera il sogno di Brandolini che in più riprese affermava "mi diverto di più all'opposizione". Nella conferenza stampa dice: "Siamo stati mandati via perché davamo fastidio, questo è il vero motivo politico" http://rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2010/10/buttati-allopposizione-la-rabbia-dei.html Democratically
the management of the Federation of the Left agree: we'll opposition
November 2010: Catizone and Buglio (the powers that be the city) praise-axis Azzolina Brandolini.
In our press release we asked "Why now abound in praise and salaams against leftists who until last month were called" subversive and phrase- "?"

December 2010: Brandolini Councillor leaves the group of the Federation of the Left, he entered the Mixed Group and officially back in the majority of Catizone and Buglio. The letter accuses the party too much control on his policies, attack the choices "democratic" party and ends with the inevitable attack on former Councillor Marando.
Local newspapers entitled: Missing the Communists in Nicholasville
January 2011: The Department of Renato went Marando moderate to Emma (Forza Italy's candidate for mayor in 2004), the budget has already gone to the councilor of the Democratic Party Claudio Benedict. In January, chaos in Nicholasville. The new leader of the brigade is the grandson Councillor Emma Nicholas, Benedict on trial for aggravated fraud
February 2011 : the saga continues (journalistic term) laying cards on the table, one day in and day out says it wants to return to the Federation of the Left
http://rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2011/02/la-triste- saga-of-group-misto.html
In late February formalizes its passage in the "Left to Nicholls' (the electoral roll SEL), confirms its confidence in the majority and is excommunicated by the Federation The axis of the Left http://rifondazionenichelino.blogspot.com/2011/03/brandolini-non-rappresenta-piu-la.html
Azzolina-Brandolini has driven the Communists from the city council and city split the left, removing representation more than 1300 votes the Communists. Catizone and Buglio applaud the change.
March 2011: The Federation of the Left Calls Councillor Nicholls Brandolini to leave the chair to make room for another mate who can best represent the requests of our parties , Luigi Infantino
of Article " The Wednesday "of March 2, 2011
Wrath of the Federation: Brandolini, Communist PRC, espulso
Dopo l'accordo con SEL: "non ci rappresenta"
Deligittimato ed invitato a dimettersi perchè non rappresenta più la Federazione della Sinistra. Ed esplulso da Rifondazione Comunista. Troppo netto lo strapo di Marco Brandolini per non avere conseguenze.
La scelta, annunciata in consiglio comunale giovedi scorso dal giovane consigliere di lasciare il gruppo Misto per formare un polo federato assieme ad Alessandro Azzolina, di Sel, per ora denominato "Sinistra per Nichelino" (la lista elettorale di SEL di Nichelino), non è proprio andata giù ai dirigenti del suo partito di riferimento, Rifondazione Comunista, e di quelli dei Comunisti Italiani che, al termine di un direttivo convocato d'urgenza lunedì sera, hanno deciso di usare il pugno di ferro.
" Brandolini non rappresenta più in alcun modo le posizioni della Federazione della Sinistra, sotto le cui insegne è stato eletto nella scorsa tornata amministrativa. Pertanto, lo invitiamo a lasciare la poltrona di consigliere per dare spazio a un altro compagno che meglio può rappresentare le istanze dei nostri partiti ", dicono unitamente i segretari Gianni Destefano (Prc) e Luciano Verzola (Pdci). Fine di un'avventura politica
" A me personalmente dispiace molto: in questi mesi ho fatto di tutto per cercare di salvare la situazione. Ma la dichiarazione fatta in consiglio comunale è stata un fulmine a ciel sereno, su cui non si poteva più sopprassedere. Too bad, focusing on Mark "Destefano added that as secretary has delegated to the College of Nicholasville guarantee the application of penalties in cases where a manager, what is Brandolini, is less with the directives of the party.
For similar cases the statute provides for the suspension or expulsion.
On the institutional side, if you decide to leave Brandolini, would come to the right Luciano Verzola, " place that I would spend my time in a young, Luigi Infantino, as required by an agreement in the Federation" , provides the secretary of the Italian community that does not miss the chance to throw a little dig at the two representatives of "Left for Nicholls. "Poor deluded: they think they represent the left, but do not realize to be the crutch of the Pd"
Brandolini its part, claims his choice: " The desire to create a center that begins to unite the left (excluding the Communists) not only in words or symbols, but in fact practical and political behavior, and there goes on. We are not making a matter of seats or positions (who never leaves), but convergence and unity of purpose "(R. Zava)
" At one time, in PCI, a member of "administrative" (alderman, commissioner, etc.). was the "battering ram" Governing Body of the Club. The club decided to follow the political line. This was effective democracy. Not like now that the priorities (called "politics" and "programs" would be too) to give the elect. " A. Bianchi

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