Nel fine settimana appena terminato Luigi De Magistris ha iniziato la sua corsa, da candidato sindaco verso il Comune di Napoli. "Ho deciso di candidarmi dopo che le primarie del Pd hanno buttato il centrosinistra in un pantano. Indipendentemente who accompanies us win, ".
And if De Magistris, before the opening of its first public demonstration by the candidate, they said confident of a convergence of the PD and the center, in the afternoon came the position of the party Bersani with an accusation: the IDV waste agreements. And so if the PDL now seems to have decided to Gianni Lettieri, there is no peace, however, in the center of Naples. And De Magistris, after all, knows better. E 'for that this reaffirms its call for unity. "Dear Nichi, put your face too, do not understand why you're here. These battles do together, "he told Vendola." You want to conserve or change? I could be opportunity for the Democratic Party that seems divided, "said the Democratic Party.
And it has made the same appeals IDV leader, Antonio Di Pietro." It 's normal that political parties also consider their specific interests. But I am convinced, and I think they are also Bersani and Vendola, the difference between a policy and a high petty politics is right in thinking first about the common and collective interests. "Above all:" We all know who really controls the PDL in the region: we want to leave Naples in the hands of Nicola Cosentino? ". Cosentino The same was also brought up as a 'sponsor' of the candidate Lettieri:" It means that on the one hand there is the battle for legality, the other the usual systems, "says De Magistris.
The Federation of the Left supports the candidacy of De Magistris
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