Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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The gun fires at eye level. As ten years ago in Genoa

L’Arma spara ad altezza d’uomo. Come a Genova dieci anni fa

of Checchino Antonini

Three shots. Three at least, is free and able to show the "smoking gun." It was December 14, the day of distrust and engineering students to the Berlusconi government, pardoned, however, by a vote of the House. The scene is that of widening the intersection Dark and shops between Via degli Astalli. For a few long minutes, the protesters were faced with a squad of policemen that barred the way to Palazzo Grazioli, the residence of the Prime Minister in front of which the Knight has claimed that not stop even more buses. The coping, taken from many angles, from professionals and media activists, seems determined by the same mode of administration of the square. Place in that way the tanks seems more like a provocation, an brutality among the many who need a real defensive. In the minutes considered flying bottles, stones and even some stick behind the falls where two armored Bombone a stadium. Before and after that two explosions bang are clearly distinguishable from gunshot wounds. The photos that we publish are from a preview video so far unpublished. The blaze that immortality would leave doubts about the trajectory of the projectile: at eye level. The fire started from behind the shields posted on the bonnet of one of two armored vehicles that blocked the road to gut behind the Palazzo Venezia. In some shots you acknowledge and policemen, with his helmet lighter, blue instead of blue, the director of ps command of them in civilian clothes. Other material, shot from different angles show some soldiers with a gun in his hand and attached to the thigh. Several witnesses recall having heard the explosion and seeing the staff in public policy bent, probably to collect shells. "The images that today Public Release - commenta Paolo Ferrero, segretario di Rifondazione comunista – sono inequivocabili. Di nuovo come a Genova nel 2001 le forze dell’ordine sparano ad altezza d’uomo durante una manifestazione. A Roma non è successo l’irreparabile ma questo non rende meno grave la questione. Adesso capiamo meglio le parole di Maroni che nei giorni delle manifestazioni studentesche di dicembre sosteneva che ci poteva “scappare il morto” . Vogliamo sapere da lui che ordini sono stati dati alle forze dell’ordine per la gestione dell’ordine pubblico, se vi sono state inchieste interne riguardo all’uso di armi da fuoco e che risultati hanno dato. Ministro Maroni, vogliamo conoscere la verità, perchè Italy is a democratic country and has a right to know. "

Liberation March 9, 2011

The first frame shows the absence of immediate danger to the police blocking Astalli Street. The protesters away

Here is the smoking gun, evidence of the use of firearms at eye level. Witnesses often reported that they heard shots and saw officers with a gun

Here is the exact location from which at least three shots were fired in the direction of the parade. This is the front cover of one of the armored vehicles that prevented the demonstrators from passing under the residence of Prime Minister

A control group of the Street Astalli a police officer with riot helmets and clothes


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