Saturday, February 26, 2011
Chronic Sinusitis More Condition_symptoms
" pink jersey the Regional Education Director Joseph Colosio a annual salary of € 172,295 followed by staff with a salary annual average of € 65,000" "black mesh the remaining staff of the school."
Praetorian Register 's Office for the Lombardy school
"According to art. 21 paragraph 1 of Law June 18, 2009, No 69 - "Honesty remuneration of directors and the rates of absence and increased presence of staff "- are published on-line the curricula and earnings, derived from individual employment contracts, managers of the second fascia.Tutti Data are published with their consent, subject to the privacy policy "
is the statement of managers assigned to areas territorial offices of executive level :
Office X - Setting territorial Bergamo Director: Luigi Roffia CURRICULA - PAY
Office XI - Setting territorial Brescia Director: Mariarosa Raimondi CURRICULA - PAY
Office XII - Setting territorial Como Manager: Claudio Merletti (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIII - Setting territorial Cremona Director: Francesca Bianchessi CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIV - Setting territorial Lecco Director: Luigi Roffey (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
XV Office – Ambito territoriale di Lodi Dirigente: Giuseppe Bonelli CURRICULA - RETRIBUZIONE
Ufficio XVI – Ambito territoriale di Mantova Dirigente: Giuseppe Petralia (* CURRICULA - RETRIBUZIONE )ex Dirigente scolastico I.C. Donadoni Bergamo dal 1.9.2007 DDG 2.11.2004)
Ufficio XVII - Setting territorial Milan Interim Director: Giuseppe Colosio CURRICULA - PAY Office XVIII - Setting territorial Monza and Brianza Manager: Nicola Montrone (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIX - Setting territorial of Pavia Director: Joseph Bonelli (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XX - Setting territorial Sondrio Manager: Nicola Montrone CURRICULA - PAY
Office XXI - Setting territorial Varese Manager: Claudio Merletti CURRICULA - PAY
* Last updated February 28, 2011
SCHOOL counted: legalized theft
byASASI : The Letterina No 270 - Thursday, February 24, 2011
"In reality, among other things, in which 2,800 executives in 10,000 are empty (and next year it will be 3500), release hundreds of school leaders to be included in USR , and let acephalous institutions does not seem neither logical nor effective.. "
"Suffice it to say that a head teacher, despite being the first formal qualifications, was denied because the winner of the 2004 command and then irremovable from its premises, while the very same of USR Palermo were controlled two managers who have won the same competition. " read more
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Brain Hemorrhage More Condition_symptoms
Friday, February 25 from 11am garrison port 16 ( Settembrini)
"The layoffs we are not resigned"
After the referendum on the clamor of Mirafiori, Fim - Ulimate - Fismic - UGL - Ass.Capi guarantee of the signatory organizations as separate agreements, thousands of hours of labor permits, the use of this hour is easy prevederlo, serviranno a tenere sempre aperte le salette sindacali dai soliti "burocrati" che faranno parrare le giornate, senza mai avvicinarsi a una postazione lavorativa visto che lavorare agli impianti lo hanno dimenticato da un bel po' di tempo. Dentro questo scenario la discussione sul futuro del resto di Mirafiori è scomparsa dall'agenda dei sindacati firmatari dell'accordo
Alla Costruzione Stampi è gia in atto la CIG straordinaria, mentre alla Presse la situazione si fa molto pesante, infatti conti alla mano, nel prossimo mese di marzo le giornate di CIG saranno 12 su 22 lavorative con la certezza della perdita di ratei Par/Ferie, tutto questo dentro ad uno scenaio in cui vede la possibile prossima apertura della CIG straordinaria, in quanto, quella ordinaria è ormai agli sgoccioli.
La Rsu della Fiom delle Presse e C/Stampi anche senza monte ore sindacale continueranno a tutelare i lavoratori e a intervenire per garantire una prospettiva alla Stabilimento. Anche durante la Cassa Integrazione vogliamo attraverso il presidio denunciare la situazione dello stabilimento.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Pregnancy And Bleeding More Condition_symptoms
Di Paolo Ferrero - Segretario Nazionale Rifondazione Comunista
Nell'impazzimento the politique politicienne that characterizes the center-left, the last exit of Vendola, which proposes to go to the polls with Fini, is far more incredible.
The proposal, which is to make a government order giving rise to a new electoral law and the abolition of the shameful laws, it is actually quite vague on the issues that are precisely placed at the heart of the proposal. A few days ago D'Alema - the first election that brought the crock with Fini - has made it clear that a coalition of this kind would give rise to a Constituent Assembly, that the center has a constitutional amendment Republican, federalism and economic reforms. And 'This is the profile that should be a coalition with Fini? To change the Constitution? And to do that electoral law as Fini has always spoken for the bipolar and the French presidential system? To make economic and social policy since all laws Cast Fini and Berlusconi's claims to be super-liberal?
seems to me obvious that a coalition of this kind far from being a necessary step to get out of Berlusconi would be the latest episode of transformation with the effect of further enhancing the political crisis. And do not say that such a deployment would be the new CLN. Il CLN non venne costruito con i gerarchi fascisti che avevano messo in minoranza Mussolini nella seduta del gran Consiglio del fascismo del 25 luglio 1943. Il CLN venne formato dai partiti antifascisti e aveva una ispirazione in equivoca sul piano della costruzione di una Italia democratica.
La proposta è assurda sul piano elettorale. Come si possa pensare di sommare i voti degli elettori ex missini che sostengono Fini con quelli della sinistra è mistero assai consistente. Per dirla tutta, per come è messa FLI, la scelta di allearsi con Fini e di rompere con la sinistra, non porterebbe alcun vantaggio elettorale per battere Berlusconi. Anzi, rischia di dar luogo ad una coalizione che prenda meno voti di quella di centrosinistra più la sinistra. Si tratta quindi di una scelta puramente politica frutto di un modo di ragionare tutto interno dalle dinamiche di Palazzo. Il punto vero è che Berlusconi non è per nulla intenzionato ad andarsene a casa e che quindi le chiacchiere stanno a zero.
In questo contesto la nostra proposta è la seguente:
Proponiamo a PD, SEL e IDV di fare una manifestazione nazionale il 17 marzo contro il governo e come atto fondativo di una coalizione democratica che vada unita alle prossime elezioni. Per andare alle elezioni è necessario cacciare Berlusconi. Per cacciare Berlusconi gli inciuci di palazzo si sono dimostrati del tutto inefficaci. Occorre costruire una vasta ed unitaria mobilitazione sociale. Therefore, we propose the national event, we support the strike fielded by the grassroots unions and ask the Cgil to declare a general strike. Should be given to the availability to the body fight the protests, starting with the women last Sunday, they reported.
We propose a unitary relationship with SEL and IDV to establish a common platform from the crock with a total unwillingness to Fini. This would be enough to force the Democratic Party to change course and build an alliance with the Democratic left. In case the PD persists in its middle course, then we propose to go to elections with a pole of the left. We
too? No, just be aware that Berlusconi is defeated in the country and not in the building and that the problem is to build the left, not to chase the PD planning to direct it.
Bells Palsey More Condition_symptoms
Vendola welcomes Finian - The National Alliance
Turn riparian, Vendola Finian welcomes the coalition and anti-candida Bindi premier Berlusconi: no mountains or to Montezemolo. But yet another "knight move" does not convince the base and leave the cold Pd
Bartocci of Matthew (the manifesto of 17 February 2011)
More that kissing a frog, this time he just swallowed. Nichi Vendola confirmation to take "very seriously in the spirit of the Democratic Party proposes a coalition enlarged to Gianfranco Fini. To the point that makes it directly. With a distinction: the drive as a democratic Rosi Bindi and not a neo-liberal or moderate technocrat. The proposed Vendola and strings: a transitional government in order to Di Pietro Fini is changing the electoral law, to resolve the conflict of interests and guarantee pluralism. Then all enemies as before, Fini and the center-right on his way. The only condition is that you can not "entrust the reins of this 'grand coalition' or a Mario Monti Luca Cordero di Montezemolo."
The turning point, "riparian" Pugliese President leaves stunned the so-called "base" too cold to leave the Democratic Party. Of course, the feeling between Bindi and Vendola is not new. The same president of the Democratic Party to the festival in Turin in September said that "on some things I agree more with him than with people in my party." But the idea of \u200b\u200bhis candidacy is not in things. "I thank you for your words of appreciation, but we must start from the policy, without making the comparison with our names and nominations, as evidenced by himself taking a step back." Then extends a warm welcome in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility: "Finally Vendola recognizes that we need a larga coalizione democratica, di responsabilità nazionale. Il Pd lo sostiene da tempo».
Più algido ancora Massimo D'Alema sul Tg3: «Voglio ringraziare Nichi Vendola per aver indicato una persona di grande valore come Rosy Bindi. Naturalmente, visto che si parla di una grande coalizione, il candidato deve essere concordato e non imposto da nessuna parte». Saluti e baci, accomodati in panchina e addio «Obama bianco».
Perfino sul profilo Facebook del governatore i commenti sono discordi. Nessun problema su Bindi ma certo archiviare due anni di «narrazione» basata su primarie, cambiamento e «cantiere dell'alternativa» lascia basiti i più. Suddenly the end of Berlusconi becomes an issue emergency. Politicized. And not the result of a deep country, in fact, trying another 'story'.
The 'turning point' vendoliana stems from a difficulty shared at least with its very restricted circle with the imprimatur of Fausto Bertinotti. To escape the 'trap' of a government emergency situation but in all reality and hyper-political moderate, here is the classic "knight move". Recalling the nightmare of '98, the fear of being massacred in the event of victory of Berlusconi for failing alliance insist the best opening Fini and Casini, but applying for the Bindi, in order to maximize the divisions in the Democratic Party. Pure tactics. Fini also an opening to the day when Finian even disappear by the Senate.
Fini ally Vendola is "disconcerting," "un'armatina Brancaleone", gloating in the PDL. A hypothesis that is a bluff or no hope in the 'third pole', or is at least as impervious implementation. A council of ministers to open Tremaglia, the Binet or the sponsor of the water closet Andrea Ronchi can make people smile. But ask for the votes to return to vote after one year is an insane proposal. Not to mention that the PD and IDV interpret the "knight move" as a waiver of Vendola both the primary and the premiership.
In Vendola seems to pick up one hit the only trump card he had as leader of a small party outside of parliament: the credibility of a broad coalition to drive (at least in Puglia) and the desire to change the cards from the bottom to "reopen the game "(as promised by the Congress in Florence Sel). Water under the bridge: this PD will never break (no polo with self Di Pietro).
to take it seriously is more fundamental objection. If the heart of alleged "government purpose" is to change the electoral law, there is at least an attempt at agreement between the forces that would be part of? If there is, there is no trace. Besides, if there were, why wait for the next term and not try to discuss it right now? Fini and Veltroni are bipolar, Casini and D'Alema no. Vendola is not known. Peter either. With a concern anymore. Bring in particular the issue of campaign reform (and work? And the environment? Etc.) Could polarize the vote on any presidential or iperfederaliste assumptions made by Bossi and Berlusconi. It would open a Pandora's box of difficult reconstruction after the vote. Of which should explain what would be the advantage for the left or to its possible interdiction force.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Terkoiz Stick Fighting Best
Declaration of P. Ferrero - PRC Secretary
(AGI) - Rome, Feb. 15 - A dry no to government order proposed by Nichi Vendola, and Secretary of Sel 'expressed by Paolo Ferrero of the Communist Refoundation Secretary proposes that a leftist coalition. The output from
''Berlusconi said Ferrero-can not 'be through the proposed alignments divided not only on politics but also about the rules. The state government do with FLI and UDC advanced today by Vendola, or the proposed electoral front with the same forces in giorni scorsi da D'Alema, su che contenuti si dovrebbe costruire? Per dire la cosa piu' semplice, deve ripristinare o modificare la Costituzione repubblicana? Che legge elettorale fare? Che fare del federalismo? Che politiche economiche fare?''.
''L'unica strada per sconfiggere il Berlusconismo -sostiene Ferrero- e' quella di fare uno schieramento elettorale tra il PD e le forze di sinistra che abbia la chiara proposta di salvaguardare la Costituzione e di ripristinare a pieno la democrazia nel paese''.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Hepatitis Condition_symptoms
Il processo per concussione e prostituzione minorile inizierà il 6 aprile. Collegio composto da tre donne. La difesa: «Non ci aspettavamo nulla different "desert the Prime Minister announced a press conference in Catania. In the classroom will be the injured parties of the Interior, the Moroccan girl and three police also
The investigating judge of the court of Milan Cristina Di Censo has ordered the immediate process with ritual for the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The premier has been under investigation by Milan prosecutors for cases of child prostitution and the crime of bribery in connection with the case Ruby. Berlusconi's trial will begin April 6, 2011 before the fourth section of the Criminal Court of Milan, three judges woman president Giulia Turri, assessors Orsola De Carmen and Christopher D'Elia. Immediately after the release of the news process, The Prime Minister has decided to leave for Rome: in contrast to the Interior Ministry announced this morning by the Prime Minister has decided not to attend the press conference on immigration in the prefecture of Catania had to do with Interior Minister Maroni
A Berlusconi denies that the prosecutor abused as chairman of the Council to induce the officials of Milan prosecutors, the night of 27 and 28 May last year, to entrust to the Ruby Nicole Minetti and Regional Councillor for having sexual relations with Young Moroccan Arcore.
Immediate reaction of the defense of Prime Minister: "We did not expect anything different," said Piero Longo, Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini together. Ruby 'Heartbreaker' and the Ministry of Interior are the injured parties in the process that will be celebrated with immediate rite in Milan on April 6 and in which Silvio Berlusconi is accused of extortion and prostitution.
Karima El Mahroug, alias Ruby, is victim to the proceedings in relation to the crime of child prostitution challenged Berlusconi as prime minister would have committed sexual acts with the girl in exchange for money or other benefits from February to May of last year when the girl was not yet 18 years old.
The Interior Ministry, however, is the injured party in relation to the crime of bribery against Berlusconi suggested in the report that the prime minister made the call in the night between 27 and 28 May last at the police station in Milan to get the 'issue' of Ruby, which was taken in the police station following a complaint by a The theft is evident from the decree by which the investigating judge Cristina Di Censo has ordered the immediate trial for the prime minister.
In the process there are three officials of the police headquarters in Milan as plaintiffs. The three officers are the Chief of Staff Peter Ostuni, and officials and Ivo Iafrate Giorgio Morelli, who, according to the 'indictment, which would have been under pressure from Prime Minister on the night between 27 and 28 May this year called the offices in Via Fatebenefratelli per ottenere il ’rilasciò di Ruby. In linea teorica, la presidenza del Consiglio potrebbe costituirsi parte civile in rappresentanza del ministero dell’ Interno che a sua volta è parte lesa in relazione sempre al reato di concussione contestato a Berlusconi.
Il Gip Cristina Di Censo, nel disporre il rinvio a giudizio per il premier, ha valutato tutte le «premesse processuali», come la questione della connessione dei reati di prostituzione minorile e concussione, e quella della competenza della procura di Milano ad indagare. Lo ha spiegato il presidente dell’ufficio Gip, Gabriella Manfrin. Dunque, il Gip ha preso in considerazione anche le memorie difensive dei legali del premier che sostenevano la competenza del tribunale dei ministri, e ha deciso per la competenza della procura di Milano. Inoltre nel decreto, che è motivato, il Gip ha indicato che sussistono i presupposti per il rito immediato tra cui l’evidenza della prova a carico di Berlusconi.
Naseptin And The Pill
I quali, tanto più dopo l'incontro della settimana scorsa tra Vendola e Bersani, erano convinti che il leader di Sel would have refused the proposal of a Holy Alliance and thought put behind the wall. From that wall, but ', now has moved away Vendola: at stake are the votes of the Democratic Party, so is the' governor 'of Puglia is not going to get any publicly at odds with the leadership of that party. But not enough. Fausto Bertinotti, who has assumed the role as a major adviser Vendola & company, dreams of 'Democratic bid for the Democratic Party'. The ultimate goal, then, - he concludes Meli - is still far away and the leader of Sel can not afford to make any mistakes in her lot with Pier Luigi Bersani.
Source: . asp? idnotizia idsezione = 58852 & = 1
Thank You Wedding Tags Wording
Il Partito Comunista Egiziano saluta la caduta di Mubarak ed invita a continuare la rivoluzione
Il Partito Comunista Egiziano saluta il popolo egiziano per la grande vittoria storica ottenuta contro la dittatura e il regime dispotico e corrotto. La prima fase della rivoluzione si conclude con la realizzazione della principale rivendicazione popolare: la caduta del dittatore e della sua cerchia più prossima. Questa vittoria storica è una vittoria per i popoli arabi e i popoli del mondo che aspirano alla libertà, alla dignità e alla giustizia sociale.
Rendiamo omaggio alle centinaia di martiri e alle thousands of wounded, the forward-looking spirit that have opened, with blood and sacrifice, the path that leads to the triumph of the revolution.
In paying tribute to the political parties and political forces that supported the Egyptian people in the Arab world and the world, we are committed to continue the revolution until the construction of all the popular demands, the conquest of our democratic rights, social and national. In the three weeks of the revolution, we have seen the glory days and difficult days, which has faced attempts to redo the facade to the system by the forces of counterrevolution. Only the resolve and courage of the great people of Egypt have made it possible to overcome these maneuvers.
A new era opens for Egypt, with the blood and sacrifices of his boys. Our people continue to struggle to regain the rights and meet their just demands of a life worthy of a free country.
Viva la revolution! Long live the people of Egypt!
Egyptian Communist Party
Chest Infection More Condition_symptoms
(DA Cubadebate)
few days ago I said that Mubarak's fate was sealed and that Obama could not even save.
The world knows what is happening in the Middle East. The news circulating at frightening speed. Politicians just enough time to read the dispatches that June hour after hour. All are aware of just what is going on there.
After 18 days of hard battle, the Egyptian people has achieved an important objective: to topple the main U.S. ally in the bosom of the Arab countries. Mubarak plundered and oppressed his own people, was an enemy of the Palestinians and an accomplice of Israel, the sixth nuclear power in the world, associated with the militant group of NATO.
The Armed Forces of Egypt, with the leadership of Gamal Abdel Nasser had overthrown, throwing it aside, and had submitted a king who created the Republic, with the support of the Soviet defenses the ex-British home invasion and Israel in 1956 and preserved the possession of the Suez Canal and the independence of its ancient nation.
Egypt for what he enjoyed a high prestige in the Third World. Nasser was known as one of the most capable leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement, in whose creation he participated with other prominent leaders of Asia, Africa and Oceania, who fought for national liberation and economic and political independence of former colonies.
Egypt has always had the support and respect of this international organization comprising more than one hundred countries. At this time, precisely, this brotherly country chairs the Movement for the period of three years that matches, the support of many of its members to fight today launches its people will not wait.
What meant the Camp David Accords, and why the heroic people of Palestine so arduously defend their rights more viable?
At Camp David, brokered by the then U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the president of Egypt, Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, signed the famous agreement between Egypt and Israel.
It is said that there were secret talks for 12 days and 17 September 1978 signed two important agreements: one related to peace between Egypt and Israel, and the other related with the creation an autonomous territory in the Gaza Strip and Cisjordania, where el-Sadat thought - and Israel knew and shared the idea - which was the headquarters of the Palestinian state, whose existence, like that of the State of Israel, that the 'Organization of the United Nation had granted 29 November 1947, the British mandate of Palestine.
After conversations difficult and complex, Israel agreed to withdraw its troops from Egyptian territory of Sinai, even if categorically refused participation in these peace negotiations of the representation of Palestine.
As a product of the first agreement, the period of one year, Israel reinstated the territory to Egypt Sinai occupied one of the Arab-Israeli wars.
Under the second, the two parties undertook to negotiate the creation of the autonomous regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first, comprising an area of \u200b\u200b5,640 km square and 2.1 million inhabitants ¡h, and the second, 360 square kilometers and 1.5 million inhabitants.
has condemned the Arab countries that deal in which, according to them, Egypt is not defended with sufficient energy and determination a Palestinian state, whose right to exist was in the middle decades of struggle by the Arab states during launch. A
indignation reached such an extreme reaction that many of these broken relationships with Egypt. Thus, the United Nations Resolution of November 1947, was wiped off the map. The independent body will not ever created, depriving the Palestinians of the right to exist as an independent state, and from this comes the endless tragedy that we live and who already had to solve at least thirty years ago.
The Arab population of Palestine is the victim of actions of genocide, the land had been stripped and deprived of water in these semi-desert areas and destroyed homes with huge hammers. In the Gaza Strip, a million and a half of people are systematically attacked with explosive bullets, and live with phosphorus grenades notes "cacciatoti. The territory Strip is blocked by sea and by land. Why so much talk of the Camp David Accords and did not mention the Palestine?
The United States administered the most modern and sophisticated arms to Israel worth billions of dollars a year. Egypt, an Arab country, has been transformed in the second recipient of U.S. weapons. In order to fight against whom? Against another Arab country? Against the Egyptian people?
When the people demand respect for their most basic rights and the waiver of a president whose policy was to exploit and plunder his own people, the repressive forces trained by the United States did not hesitate to shoot contro, ammazzando centinaia di persone e ferendone migliaia.
Quando il popolo egiziano aspettava spiegazioni dal Governo del suo stesso paese, le risposte venivano da alti funzionari degli organi d’intelligenza o del governo degli Stati Uniti, senza alcun rispetto per i funzionari egiziani.
Forse i dirigenti degli Stati Uniti e i loro organi d’intelligenza non conoscevano una sola parola sii furti colossali del governo di Mubarak?
Prima che il popolo protestasse in massa da Piazza Tahrir, nemmeno i funzionari del governo, nè gli organi d’intelligenza degli Stati Uniti dicevano una sola parola dei privilegi dei furti vergognosi di migliaia di milioni di dollari.
Sarebbe un errore immaginare che the revolutionary people's movement in Egypt theoretically obeys a reaction against the violation of his basic rights. The people do not challenge the repression and death, or stay all night to protest energetically to merely formal matters. They do it when their legal rights and materials are sacrificed without mercy to the insatiable demands of corrupt politicians and national and international circles that plundered the country.
The poverty rate already hit the vast majority of a people fighting, and patriotic young man, attacked in his dignity, its culture and beliefs.
How can reconcile the overwhelming growth of food prices with tens of thousands of millions of dollars that are attributed to President Mubarak, and the privileged sectors of government and society?
not enough now that you know how to step up: we must require that they be returned to the country.
Obama is concerned about the events in Egypt, and acts or appears to act as the master of the planet. Egypt seems that his thing. It never ceases to speak by phone with leaders of other countries.
agency EFE, for example, reports that:
"He spoke with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, the Abdali King II of Jordan, and the turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's moderate Islamist."
"The U.S. governor has assessed the historical exchange rate forced by the Egyptians and reaffirmed his admiration for his efforts. "The main
American news agency AP, forward reasoning worthy of attention:
" The United States urged the rulers in the Middle East, on the western slope, friendly and willing to cooperate with Israel in the fight against Islamic extremism , at the time that protects human rights. "
" Barack Obama has drawn up a list of ideal qualities are impossible to meet after the fall of both allies of Washington in Egypt and Tunis for the popular revolts that, according to experts, will propagate in the region. "
" Do not with no prospect of this curriculum is very difficult and illusions that appear one quickly. In part due to the fact that in the last 40 years, the U.S. has sacrificed the ideals of human rights advocates both in exchange for stability, continuity and oil in one of the most volatile regions of the world. "
" Egypt will never be the same, "Obama said Friday the 11th, after the celebrations for the start of Hosni Mubarak."
"By their peaceful protest, said Obama, the Egyptians have turned Illora country and the world."
"Even when there is a continuing nervousness among various Arab governments, the dome of confidence in Egypt and Tunis, have not shown signs of being willing to give up power or the large economic influence they had. "
" The Obama government has insisted that the change should not be
personality. The U.S. government has set this position since President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has fled in January, from Tunis, a day after Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, warned in a speech to the Arab leaders in Qatar that without a reform of the foundations of their countries, would be sunk in the sand. "
People do not show very docile in Tahrir Square.
Europa Press said:
" Thousands of protesters have arrived in Tahrir Square, the epicenter mobilizations that led to the resignation of the country's president, Hosni Mubarak, who continue to strengthen those who continue to occupy qusto, and despite the attempt by the military police to remove them, informed the British chain BBC.
"The BBC correspondent in this central square of Cairo, has ensured that the army is indecisive st showing the emergence of new protesters"
"The hard core [...] is located in one corner of the square .
[...] have decided to stay in Tahrir [...] to make sure you make all their complaints. "
Regardless of what happens in Egypt, one of the most serious problems facing imperialism at this time is the deficit of cereal that I have analyzed the reflectance of 19 January.
The United States uses an important part of corn and cultivate a high index of their harvest of soybeans for the production of biofuels.
Europe for its part, uses millions of hectares of land for this purpose.
As a result of climate change originated primarily from developed countries and rich, you are creating a shortage of fresh water and food incompatible with population growth at a pace that will lead to 9,000 million people in just 30 years, without Organization of the United Nations and governments most influential of the planet, after the meetings in Copenhagen and defraudanti Cancun combines alerted and informed the world of this situation.
We support the Egyptian people and their courageous fight for his political rights and social justice.
We are not against the people of Israel, we are against the genocide of the Palestinian people and in favor of his right to an independent state.
We're not for war but for peace among all peoples. Fidel Castro Ruz
February 13, 2011 21:14 pm
(Translated by Granma International)
Senile Dementia More Condition_symptoms- Uk
Alfio Nicotra
in Berlin is to win ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico. Dopo Parigi anche dalla capitale tedesca – questa volta con il voto popolare - arriva un cambio di marcia fondamentale : l’acqua è un bene comune e la sua gestione non va privatizzata. Tutti ci dicono di guardare all’Europa quando si tratta d’innalzare l’età pensionabile e far quadrare i bilanci pubblici sforbiciando il welfare state. Dai giornali scompare invece ogni riferimento all’Europa quando amministrazioni pubbliche e movimenti della società civile riconquistano servizi e beni comuni, che inopinatamente negli anni della sbornia neoliberista erano stati consegnati agli appetiti delle multinazionali. Parigi e Berlino ci insegnano che invece si può riportare alla proprietà public water, which is not a look back at the world-as claimed by our detractors - but instead set their feet firmly in the future to ensure that new generations access to a resource essential to life. In the era of the commodification of water ripubblicizzazione is a sign of great contrast. It teaches us that not everything can be folded to profit, it breaks the cliche of "private to the public more efficiently", he reworks an idea of \u200b\u200bthe public related to the democratic control of communities and populations.
Paris and Berlin called Italy. On two of the three referendum promoted by the Committee for public water is likely to vote in Italy June 12 (the final date fixed by law). E 'on a date which fell silent suspect, the same as in Berlin accompanied the weeks preceding the referendum vote. The strategy of the privatizers is clear: do not talk about the referendum and wait for it to "discharge" alone, putting the vote to close the summer and after that the voters have been called to the polls for local elections (including run-off round) . The Interior Ministry is working towards this with broad consensus of political forces in parliament (it is useful to remember that none of them has promoted the referendum el'Idv has launched a "deceptive" rightly ruled inadmissible by the Constitutional Court). The challenge of the quorum is complicated and difficult. some time in the referendum not to exceed the prophetic dreams 50% of those entitled to vote. Water can do wonders stir deep in Italian society. The success of the collection of signatures - a million and 400 thousand - shows the full potential for this battle of civilizations. The effort, however, you must multiply. water along with the public is for the abolition of rules that want to introduce nuclear power in Italy, also becomes crucial watershed in the transition election administration. Come si schierano i candidati a sindaco e le forze politiche che concorrono per i consigli comunali e provinciali? A Massimo D’Alema la domanda “cosa fa il Pd ai referendum?” è stata posta anche al Forum Sociale Mondiale svoltosi la scorsa settimana a Dakar. La risposta è stata un misto d’imbarazzo e di fastidio annunciando l’atteggiamento presumibilmente tiepido del Pd che teme – parole della “volpe del Tavoliere” come lo definì un indimenticato Luigi Pintor – che “molte agenzie pubbliche dei servizi siano messe in difficoltà dalla vittoria dei Si”. Il rischio concreto è che nel Pd avanzi la strategia del “boicottaggio dolce “ e la tesi che il primo question on the Ronchi Decree "is not only water but all privatized services. Subject matter which is already being used today to deter the already numerous mayors of the Democratic Party who signed the referendum, to warn of the negative outcome that would have the success of the referendum on the administrative life. This will be one of the leitmotifs that will be the background to the referendum campaign of those who, contrary to ripubblicizzazione water, does not have the courage to stand up openly for No.
Berlin and Paris, however, say that there is more awareness in society and in exclusively political sphere. It will be essential to increase the pressure to be low on all public officials, to run the mouth that is important to vote this way and break the information embargo. Hence it is useful and necessary to set up committees for the referendum is everywhere, the place of study and work compressed o. This is a referendum can only be overcome if there is an awakening of conscience and democratic all'antipolitica if you replace politics with a capital P that made for the common good and with the participation of all and all. On March 26, also will be held in Rome, the national demonstration of the movement of water during very important to turn the spotlight on the appointment secretary. There is a quorum as to defeat, this time not for the interest of a few, but for the common interest.
Alfio Nicotra
Skin Blisters More Condition_symptoms
Committee Pugliese "Water Common Good"
the President of the Regione Puglia, Nichi Vendola
Alderman to OO. PP. Fabiano Amati
the press
Dear President,
we listened carefully to his speech at the show "Annozero" of Thursday, February 10 on the Apulian aqueduct ripubblicizzazione where she said that "the thirtieth / fortieth day of this term I did ripubblicizzazione aqueduct as the law of my government and I passed in the committee of the Regional Council
Unfortunately, as we all know, without the approval of the bill in Council technically there is no law and his statement is not part of the ad and than done. He also failed to provide meaningful information.
the story, in fact, there was no more than one piece, ie: the fact that she and Alderman Amati, in October 2009, had made a public commitment to submit to the Council by the end of its previous mandate, the bill that would have been produced by the joint technical committee between the Region of Puglia, Puglia Committee "Water Common Good" and the Italian Forum of Water Movements (as documented by the press, including institutional) and the fact that she - on behalf of his coalition - during the election campaign and, specifically in the press conference on March 2, 2010, had undertaken to transform the DDL into law within the first 100 days of any future legislature! the fact that since 11 May 2010 - the date when the council approved the DDL on ripubblicizzazione Apulian aqueduct - the same bill is "landed" in the relevant commission until October 2010 (!) when they were planned and carried out the necessary hearings.
Since then - despite the stresses and demands to that effect from the Committee meeting of Puglia "Water Common Good" - nothing more. Only after a new mobilization, on 28 December, the Committee was received by the Department OO. PP. Fabiano Amati, which on the one hand, acknowledged the difficulty of communication, working to communicate more "fluid" between citizens and institutions, and second, the early presentation of a series of amendments in order to "strengthen "legally the same
Committee pugliese “Acqua Bene Comune” - Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua
Coffee Table Cubefield
Grazie al sostegno di oltre un milione e quattrocentomila donne e uomini di questo Paese, nella prossima primavera il popolo italiano sarà chiamato a votare due referendum per la ripubblicizzazione dell’acqua. Chi ha posto la propria firma lo ha fatto nella convinzione che la battaglia per l’acqua pubblica sia prima di tutto una battaglia di civiltà, per la tutela e l’accesso universale ad un bene comune. Concetti incompatibili con ogni forma di privatizzazione e di consegna al mercato di un bene essenziale alla vita. Ed è una battaglia di democrazia, per dare a tutte e tutti il diritto to decide what belongs to everyone. The two referendums are a serious threat to those who want to get easy profits water: there are pressures of the economy and the strong powers of institutional policy, for this speed up privatization in the territories, while it is thought to delay the referendum the latest possible date, June 12, hoping to win the turnout.
We do not agree. We believe that water is an essential commodity, to be managed in a public and shared by local communities. We think that referendums are a basic tool of democracy and participation. We think that, in the midst of economic crisis, as unjustifiable squander the money of the citizens.
We urge the Government and the political forces and the institutional consolidation of the date of the referendum with the forthcoming elections. Respecting the sovereignty of the people, saving public money and avoiding the absurdity of finding themselves at the polls three times in a few weeks.
2 Yes referendum committees for the Common Good Water
Monday, February 14, 2011
Prolexis Penis Growth
Lombardy Region is the first in Italy to be able to compare the data processed according to the entries schools for students of all levels for school year 2011/2012, which was to expire on Saturday, February 12.
Thanks to computerized procedure of registration for the secondary school level, activated for the second year of the Lombardy Region and the Regional Education Office, through the'Anagrafe students', it is possible to know in real-time data inscriptions.
In a joint statement disseminated by the regional Education, Training and Employment Gianni Rossoni and the Director-General of the Lombardy Regional Education Colosio Joseph pointed out that "in less than a year after the entry into force of 'reform Gelmini', assumono particolare rilevanza le scelte dei percorsi di scuola secondaria di secondo grado effettuate dalle famiglie, in quanto rappresentano un'occasione di verifica e di riscontro del gradimento suscitato dalle novità recentemente introdotte".
"I genitori che hanno iscritto i propri figli nelle scuole della Lombardia - prosegue la Nota congiunta - hanno potuto scegliere non solo i licei, gli istituti tecnici e gli istituti professionali statali o paritari, ma anche i percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale che, dallo scorso anno scolastico, sono gli unici a consentire il conseguimento di una qualifica professionale dopo tre anni di studi".
Dei 93.000 alunni lombardi che attualmente frequentano la terza media, il 42 per cento si è orientato sui licei, il 29 per cento sugli istituti tecnici, l'11 per cento sui professionali, il 17 per cento sui percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale; circa 72.200 alunni hanno scelto le scuole statali, 5.300 le scuole paritarie e 12.300 i centri di formazione professionale regionali, mentre 3.300 frequenteranno i percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale attivati all'interno delle scuole statali .
Il percorso di gran lunga più richiesto è quello del liceo scientifico, con circa 12.500 iscritti ; decisamente più arretrati il liceo linguistico (6.400), il liceo delle scienze umane (erede delle sperimentazioni former school master: 5,600 pupils), the grammar school (3700) and the Art College (3600), the high school musical, given their specificity and their small number, collect about 350 entries.
Among the institutions stand out in the technical sector of the economy address 'administration, finance and marketing' with 8,900 members and, in the technology sector, the address 'and telecommunications', with 3,700. The former hotel management school ('services for the hospitality and food and wine') collects the most successful vocational education is five years, while the three-year course is required of most regional 'operators of wellbeing' (3700) .
Further analysis of data shows a substantial balance between the number of routes in the professional area, including routes and regional state system, include 28% of the total. The difference between
enrolled in colleges and technical institutes if you resize the scope intended strictly technical data are added to the high schools of applied science (5,600 students), heirs of high school technology widely present in the former Technical Institutes.
So we arrive at substantive equality of entries (about 36 per cent for both addresses). The joint statement stresses that "the good distribution obtained between the different study can be considered the result of special efforts made by the School this year. "
two most significant actions put in place. The regional plan guidance, implemented in a systematic way across the Lombardy region, has seen implement initiatives widespread and varied information and training, aimed at teachers, students and families, in collaboration with local authorities and universities of Lombardy and the main training agencies in the area. A significant number of teachers reached more than 2,500 secondary school of First Instance.
The work of the delivery unit to accompany the reorganization of technical education (one of four on the national territory) done in collaboration with the Lombardy Region and the main associations in the world of work, had a responsibility to know and appreciate the characteristics of innovation in technical institutions considered for the joint training of human capital and economic development tool in the country.
It 'also important to state that the opportunity to enroll in the regional routes of education and training at institutions accredited training is made possible by specific funding of the Lombardy Region for more than 165 million euro, while the same offer in state schools is possible by the agreement signed by the Lombardy Region at the national level since 2009.
Students third class of secondary school as a whole were then enrolled in a course of education or education and training. This fact confirms that the instrument 'Population' - born from the strong commitment and close cooperation between the Lombardy Region and the Regional School Office for academic success and learning of all students and preventing early - gave the expected results, at least in the first and crucial phase of transition from one order to another school.
for state schools and for school boards now begins a delicate process of verification and rationalization of the entries submitted this year facilitated by the experience gained during the previous year.
With the criteria that each secondary school has been given, if the number of members in each program are not the same as required by the rules, we will lay the first class and the students made redundant will be paid for by schools secondary schools that will provide to subscribe taking into account the second option, express or activate the appropriate measures of re-orientation of students.
(California News - Ln - Milano))
Valium More Drug_uses
Pass first, that Geom. Armeli Vitale, who, vacant The space occupied, politically, in that the 'area' Di Pietro, from the Socialist Craxi SUPERDOC, dressed cloths justice-and became president of the Municipal Council of Nicholasville;
After the second, that Robioglio Enrica , the Left as vacant space and freedom from extra PDiessina became the evening t the morning, convinced Vendoliana , and is now happily COUNCILLOR the addition of Nicholasville;
passes through the third party, such Ranellucci said Pardo, who , by former city councilor PD awaiting placement , has seen fit to found the circle of FLI Nichelinese the Fascist Purposes;
But that is to pass the fourth, that Corino Alessandra , former PRESIDENT OF THE YOUTH GROUP PD Nicholls, who view the availability of space founded and coordinated "The Grillini" Nichelino , it seems too.
too in the sense of shock. St. Paul was one of them. But here, in Nicholasville, all these PD that "occupy" spaces will not seem "strange"? All the more so considering the items, including local newspapers, showing how they inspire, instigators of such shock, some powerful local PD. Everything There seems to be a great way of presenting the policy? Then we complain of Berlusca. You see a little ' you.
In Memory Shinedown Wolfwood Mmv
last period, the Constitution Association AxaMalfede Fralana Villa, among other actions, the situation has affected schools.
Particular attention was paid to two main issues:
-Schools under construction (The Nest and Nursery Via Francesco Menzio nearing completion and the Via Media Molajoli, for which there is only the prepared site)
- Creation of new classrooms to accommodate the first for the school year 2011-2012.
This activity, coordinated by Lucetta Emidi collaboration with Roberto Trapani Gianluca Taccone has led to a meeting with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for policies of social services, emergency housing and Lodovico
Peace School, with availability, it has taken the letter sent to him receiving the December 31, 2010 January 21, 2011, three citizens at his office. We refer here
for the content of the meeting.
Immediately after the meeting with the Deputy Mayor Pace, Roberto Trapani Gianluca Taccone, previously contacted following another letter that the same group of people had left, they went to a meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Public Works Amerigo Olive.
Councillor Olive has given guarantees on its best efforts so that the two new structures Menzio Street are operational from next September would that the whole process (completion, testing, delivery, etc..) Is completed in a timely manner.
E 'on February 3 with an email which confirms the almost complete Councillor Olive structures via Menzio and the resumption of the design of
averages Via Molajoli that since the resumption of work will be completed in 18 - 24 months. It remains unclear how long the design process and requires the initiation of work.
The commissioner Olive also positively accepted our request to improve road signs indicating the presence of schools now absent, as well as that for the spaces for the handicapped.
The next step was to meet with the Headmaster plexus "Piero della Francesca" Occiput Dr. Eleonora di Prisco, on 08/02/2011 Emidi Lucetta, in collaboration with Jacqueline Di Salvo
have focused on issues relating to the opening of new facilities, the need for spaces that can accommodate new classes of first grade full time at Via Ghiglia and proposed new initiatives for the coming school year as the walk to bus children from the neighborhood.
have been undertaken new initiatives and contacts to urge all organs that have jurisdiction, to ensure that they comply with the timing of the different procedures needed, something which we will account for the initial response.
These are very important issues and impact for families. Our approach is always open to a constructive discussion, it was certainly well received by the two directors and the Head Teacher which proved very helpful, attentive to the problems of the neighborhood and the collaborative search for solutions.
apparent in light of what was said by Dr. Eleonora di Prisco occiput, still be necessary to work to ensure open delle strutture in tempo utile.
Abbiamo per questo motivo deciso di organizzare una raccolta firme che nel consueto spirito costruttivo che ci contraddistingue testimoni agli attori coinvolti l'urgenza di risolvere in tempi brevi la situazione scuole di questo quartiere.
Riteniamo inoltre che tale raccolta sia molto importante per proseguire con impegno il nostro lavoro per il quartiere, sperando che questo contribuisca a richiamare sempre più persone alle attività della nascitura associazione AxaMalafede Villa Fralana.
Lip Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Berlin says 'nein'
privatized water bills in the capital increased by 35% in ten years
Pass the referendum calling for a return to control the public
Berlin prepares to return to public water. A referendum that aims eventually to annul the partial privatization of water services management company ended yesterday with a triumph of yes: they served at least 616,571, 665,713 are reached. A result that surprised the promoters themselves. In the evening, in a circus tent near the old route Wall who leased the results to follow, there were more journalists and supporters of the referendum. "We had hoped, but I did not expect more given the low turnout in the morning, said Andreas Fuchs, the legal secretary-treasurer of the committee is proof that much can be done with few resources," recalling that the Committee had just 12 thousand euro obtained by donations. By way of comparison, the organizers of the referendum on religion in school, failed two years ago, had collected hundreds of thousands of euro. "An essential commodity like water can not be a source of profit, we want to come back in public hands-rejoices spokesman Thomas Rodek Committee. "E ' a signal for you in Italy, "adds his colleague Dorothea Harlin. The referendum asked to publish the contract by which the city of Berlin in 1999 sold to companies RWE and Veolia 49.9% of the municipal water services (Berliner Wasserbetriebe). According to Rudek, since 2001, water charges have risen by 35% and today are among the most ate in Germany. In Berlin, a cubic meter of water costs € 5.12, 3.26 in Cologne. Under pressure from developers, the municipality has published about 700 pages of the November contract for partial privatization: It shows that the city has guaranteed high profit margins to RWE and Veolia. Not only that, but from 1999 to 2009 RWE and Veolia have grossed più utili di Berlino (1,3 miliardi contro 696 milioni), e questo sebbene la città-stato detenga il 50,1% della Berliner Wasserbetriebe.
Secondo indiscrezioni stampa, nel 1999 vennero firmate altre 5 intese i cui contenuti sono ancora oggi segreti. Ora ikl parlamento del Land dovrà votare una legge sulla pubblicizzazione integrale del contratto di privatizzazione. In caso di rifiuto il comitato referendario è pronto a fare ricorso. Il suo obiettivo ultimo resta però quello di riportare interamente la Berliner Wasserbetriebe nelle mani pubbliche. Evitando al tempo stesso di replicare quanto successo nella vicina Potsdam, dove la società di gestione dei servizi idrici è stata rimunicipalizzata dieci years ago but prices have gone up and now a cubic meter of water costs more than in Berlin: € 5.82. On Saturday, the city government had declared unnecessary consultation. Last night the Mayor Klaus Wowereit in trying to contain the damage. The result confirms our politics, he said. Berlin is in fact in talks with RWE to riacquistarela its share in the Berliner Wasserbetriebe.
Alviani Alessandro - La Stampa 14/02/2011
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Speech at the National Leadership of the PRC, February 10, 2011
I go very positively welcomed the proposal made by the Secretary and the companion Fantozzi political campaign. It was really requires a signal of that party's and the Federation of the Left. get to work on a few objectives, clear and communicable is essential: we have seen with the campaign "First, the work" already fielded by the Department of North several months ago. I will not responsible (just because I agree): I add only that I agree with what was said by others (remember in this sense the intervention of Christ): a. the discourse is articulated on high speed with a reference to the local public transport; b. I consider it necessary also work for the repeal of Act 30.
so I focus on three additional observations:
I think the definition of a political campaign (like the one presented) should be a prelude to the next step: the definition of one to two points (better one) that try to characterize our presence with more clarity policy. A bill is in fact a political campaign by saying what you would like to see done, another is to try to communicate what characterizes their political profile. We no shortage of proposals, very concrete, as shown by the points made by Fantozzi. What I think is still lacking is the political profile public recognition. In this sense reasons underlying the Law 30: d Ivers years ago were those of the reduction work, today we might be those who want the abolition of Law 30 on the precariousness . In any case, you must know how to build an instantly recognizable profile.
Secondly, I think we should make an effort in terms of communication . I refer not so much the tools with which you communicate (the truth on this we still have some 'way to go, but we're finally moving in the right direction). I refer in particular to the need to invest a bit 'of resources in a communication campaign can help us to emerge in the din of political discourse. I know how devastated our ticket, but this seems to me really priorities and try to give it a try: entrusting the communication of our political campaign to someone who prepares the best.
Finally, a purely political point: I think the campaign referred to above should be proposed by the Federation of the Left and not just by the PRC. I know it's been said (he also recalled the Secretary), but on this point a problem arises I think the same. I would point out one of our determination not simply in the path of the FDS. Some comrades in our discussion today, show that after the mini-cleavage of some of the companions dell'ernesto, party, for example, the columns of Liberation, responded with diversified operations and even opposed. It 's true, but I find that the problem is also a certain vagueness of the political project of the Federation as we are interpreting, not just in a determination which will be sought: in this sense is then understandable that articulate a plurality of positions. The FDS should instead be established to strengthen, for example-but-the timing of meetings of governing bodies (Board Policy Development and Coordination) leave a little 'bitter taste in the mouth and appear as the indicator of a slowdown in politics.
There is one thing worse than a bad decision, and is not to decide. And I believe that the factors that should lead us to invest vigorously nella FDS siano diversi, e la maggior parte di essi dettati da semplice buon senso. Intanto ciò che è oggi il PRC non è più autosufficiente. Per chi lavora più a contatto con i territori, con i circoli e con i compagni militanti, questo è evidentissimo: non lo siamo più né come capacità di mettere in campo una proposta politica credibile, né dal punto di vista elettorale. La FDS è invece il luogo giusto dove trovare nuova linfa per la proposta politica e dove unirsi per affrontare le sfide elettorali. Inoltre la Federazione della Sinistra dovrebbe essere –oggi- il luogo dove una presenza sufficientemente forte dei comunisti irrobustisce la “sinistra di alternativa”, e dove una sinistra più larga help the Communists to return stronger. The question to ask is: the fragmentation of the communist forces in the FDS help this dual purpose? I p are not. I believe rather that it contradicts (he even pointed out in his recent CPN Socialism 2000). Working for the Federation of the Left wants to believe in the idea that makes sense today a double movement: to strengthen the left and return to consolidate the presence of communists . We will therefore be able to proceed in a unified way, in every instance where we act: within the party (between us) within the federation (with the PDCI), inside the border wider than the next alternative (with fellow SEL). Unit on content, but very uniform and thus: this should be our slogan (which may also help us gain some 'credibility lost).
Armando Petrini - Regional Secretary of the Communist Refoundation
Cancer More Condition_symptoms
The comrades of the Federation of the Left Nicholls attended the very numerous procession to demand the resignation of Berlusconi
"If not now when?" - Full of squares of Italy women against violations of their rights
Rome - difficult to calculate precisely. For the organizers of "If not now when?" The day of pride female attended by more than one million people. Certainly there is no capital in which people has not decreased in the streets to protest, but also to celebrate.
Many slogans against Silvio Berlusconi. But he also had his share Mariastella Gelmini who has branded the protesters as "a few" radical chic "show for political purposes and to exploit women," for her heroines usual left-wing snob. "And it's not even like the accusation of" moralism "launched yesterday by Giuliano Ferrara. The heart of the initiative was Rome, where a piazza del Popolo gremitissima heard sponsoring the event. Many famous faces of the show. And in the front row, among others, and Giulia Bongiorno Susanna Camusso. "If I were partying hard here to criticize me will say "you're a moralist, but what struck me about this story is when the party can become a criterion for selection of its leaders," said the Bongiorno, one of his first public appearance after motherhood. "I think the Gelmini has lost another opportunity to be quiet," said Camusso. D ect this, he must add, "this event can not be exploited politically because it is against all those who want violate the rights of women. "
That must be why they were politely turned away from all the backstage politics. In plaza, the crowd, many in dell'opoposizione, starting with the Secretary-Pd Pier Luigi Bersani and Paolo Ferrero Rifondazione - Federation of the Left.
the end it was decided to convene the States-General of women. At the official event was followed by a garrison then flash in front of House. A
Milan turnout was higher than expected, despite the rain. One hundred thousand in Piazza Castello, which failed to contain the crowd and many people stopped in Piazza Duomo. Slowing down also in the subway. Moving the garrison Arcore, for security reasons. On stage
rose among others Dario For: Berlusconi said, "is in our hearts in the sense that we bust them. " Several times the crowd interrupted the speakers to shout "resignation" referring to the premier.
In Milan there was even Romano Prodi: "I believe that women have made a great signal to the revival of Italy," he said. There was no lack Nichi Vendola. And there was Sara Judge, the young of the PDL strongly criticized by his party for collecting signatures against the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti. Full
even Piazza San Carlo in Turin hundred thousand present, according to organizers. "A nice event, here you will not find peasants or peasant," they said from the stage. Many participants brought umbrellas for protection from the mud that is thrown on women, "as required to do in the tam tam of meetings via email and through Facebook. A band often sang" Hello Beautiful. "
" Resignation "and" Shame ", are the two most chanted slogans during the event which has passed through the streets of Naples Piazza Matteotti and ended at Piazza Dante. "We are 100 thousand, not all available to Berlusconi," says Elena Coccia, one of the organizers, from the stage. The only flag that has marched, the Italian one. A
Florence was chosen Piazza dei Giudici. Blocked by the crowd several adjacent streets, including Lungarno. A Lucca, despite the rain, five people gathered in Piazza Santa Maria. Two thousand protesters in Siena: "I am a cheerful woman and I can not buy happiness," was read on a sign.
A procession of 10 thousand people, according to the Organizing Committee, marched through the streets of downtown Bari to defend the dignity and rights of women, after the "Ruby case." There were only women, but thousands of men who, starting from the central square Prefecture, peacefully marched with banners and posters: "Those who govern must set a good example and do not ask for such failure", read one of these.
Twenty thousand people went to the streets of Palermo . Event also Catania. "I am proud of my city," said Anna. Four thousand participants
appointment to Cagliari. On a spring day in Piazza Amendola, opposite the harbor of Cagliari, has set up a stage on which, for over two hours, took turns ordinary women who have already claimed the respect for women. Many men also in the square.
Nearly three thousand people took part yesterday in Piazza Unità d'Italy, in Trieste , the event for the dignity of women, a share higher than expected. At least 1,500 protesters in Bergamo .
were then a thousand women e gli uomini che hanno manifestato davanti al Teatro delle Muse ad Ancona . Mille a Pesaro e 500 ad Ascoli Piceno .
Oltre mille persone hanno pacificamente occupato a Novara la centralissima Piazza Duomo. Sul palco anche una suora della congregazione delle Orsoline del Sacro Cuore di Maria, che, oltre a ricordare la piaga dello sfruttamento della prostituzione minorile, di cui sono vittime migliaia di ragazze migranti in tutte le strade d'Italia, si è detta "indignata per come molte donne con responsabilità di governo offendano, umilino e deturpino l'immagine della donna".
Manifestazioni si sono svolte in tutte le più importanti città della Liguria. A Genova 30 thousand people have invaded Piazza De Ferrari, there were also the Mayor Marta Vincenzi and former CGIL leader Sergio Cofferati. Eight hundred people to the streets of Savona . In about 1500, they played drums and whistles to La Spezia under the slogan "To send away Berlusconi and his entire company."
also mobilized Calabria. A Catanzaro, here were two events: one in the morning, supported by the police of Coisp, and the other in the afternoon in front of the prefecture. Appointments also at Cosenza and Roccella Jonica .
Women Arcore are meeting in Largo Carlo Arent, to 15.30, for a garrison lasted about 2 hours. "If not now, when?" The slogan that has collected a few hundred people in the town. Many women but also men and children. The event was supposed to take off in Vela at Villa Borromeo, but for reasons of public policy has been moved off Arent, a few hundred meters away from the villa of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Many slogans aimed at the premier, including: "Silvio, I am a woman at 360 degrees and not 90" and "We demand dignity and respect for all women." Took turns at the microphone music and actions of some women to Arcore, who quoted poetry and Dora Alda Merini forint, but also phrases Concita De Gregorio, Camusso Susanna and Emma Bonino.
very large membership Bologna to the event in defense of the rights and dignity of women. An unexpected number of participants, twenty thousand people according to organizers, led to an unexpected change of the route. The longest river of people, in fact, was to meet in Piazza XX Settembre (returning to the starting point) for final action, however, it was decided "in the running for Piazza Maggiore, where the initiative is completed. From the procession composed mostly of women of all ages but also by many men have risen several times to demand the resignation of choirs Berlusconi. No flag of the party. In head lo striscione: "Nè perbene nè permale. Unite, diverse, libere". "Non vogliamo solo che il premier vada a casa - ha detto Raffaella Lombardi dell'associazione donne Orlando - ma vogliamo anche una nuova cultura politica che non sia basata sul sistema di potere". Dalle gradinate della chiesa di San Petronio hanno parlato alla piazza rappresentanti di associazioni, attrici, studentesse, ricercatrici, lavoratrici precarie. Testimone della giornata bolognese anche l'attrice Lella Costa: "Sulla libertà delle donne - ha scandito - si gioca il futuro di tutti". Tra gli interventi anche quello di una ricercatrice universitaria che ha letto un messaggio dell'astrofisica Margherita Hack che all'ultimo momento non è potuta intervenire initiative. "All young people, women and men - this is the text written by the scientist during the fair in Bologna - rejected the shameful example of a person who is unworthy to rule, rejected the idea that to succeed we must prostitute themselves physically or morally and show your work with an Italy that is different. Congratulations ". The candidate for Mayor of Bologna for the center left, Virginio Merola, just before the start of the parade stressed the importance of the presence of men. "I see in debate - he said - the dignity and identity of men. I hope they take the word publicly to dissociate themselves from a male model in one way because of sexual relations, money and power. "Among the women in the parade too Cinzia Cracchi, former secretary-girlfriend of Flavio Delbono that his revelations began the judicial investigation that followed the resignation of then Mayor of Bologna." Some things - he said, referring to the story Cracchi Delbono - I have experienced firsthand, on my skin. I know what it means. "
The initiative was also echoed abroad." Ssio Di-mi-ni-, di-mi-ni-ssio ": the echo of the cry of women chanted" outraged "to Berlusconi resonates even today where London at two in the afternoon, about 250 participants in the sit-in against the Prime Minister organized by the "Purple" began to gather in front of Downing Street. "Weak up Italy" (Italy woke ed), "Berlusconi game over" (the game is over Berlusconi ed), "Dignity is priceless" (dignity is priceless, ed), and again: "We want democracy in Italy" "Berlusconi is not Jump," are just some of the slogans chanted by protesters men and women, almost all young, almost all Italian and many of them living in London for study or work. The echo of the day London's anti Berlusconi has remained, but without microphones: "The town of London do not given them by the time the request was made 28 days before the protest - said one of the organizers, the event, without parade , however, has been authorized. "Attack on barriers that surround the area controlled by the policemen, pictures of Italian women elected to positive symbols of the female world: the prosecutor Ilda Boccassini, the Nobel prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini, astronomer Margherita Hack, and yet Franca Rame and Serena Dandini, as well as heroines of the past: Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Anna Magnani. The peaceful demonstration of purple balloons and scarves, went peacefully until 6 o'clock in the afternoon under the watchful eye of some policemen, under a Light rain and not far from the famous bronze monument dedicated to women in Whitehall falls in the second world war: a silent and austere reminder of a story reminiscent of the nearby to passers-sacrifice of women in tragic conflict.
A thousand Italians living in Brussels has "occupied" the steps in front of the capital stock of the European Union.