Monday, February 14, 2011

In Memory Shinedown Wolfwood Mmv

Schools Schools Report Signature Collection

last period, the Constitution Association AxaMalfede Fralana Villa, among other actions, the situation has affected schools.

Particular attention was paid to two main issues:

-Schools under construction (The Nest and Nursery Via Francesco Menzio nearing completion and the Via Media Molajoli, for which there is only the prepared site)

- Creation of new classrooms to accommodate the first for the school year 2011-2012.

This activity, coordinated by Lucetta Emidi collaboration with Roberto Trapani Gianluca Taccone has led to a meeting with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for policies of social services, emergency housing and Lodovico
Peace School, with availability, it has taken the letter sent to him receiving the December 31, 2010 January 21, 2011, three citizens at his office. We refer here
for the content of the meeting.

Immediately after the meeting with the Deputy Mayor Pace, Roberto Trapani Gianluca Taccone, previously contacted following another letter that the same group of people had left, they went to a meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Public Works Amerigo Olive.
Councillor Olive has given guarantees on its best efforts so that the two new structures Menzio Street are operational from next September would that the whole process (completion, testing, delivery, etc..) Is completed in a timely manner.

E 'on February 3 with an email which confirms the almost complete Councillor Olive structures via Menzio and the resumption of the design of
averages Via Molajoli that since the resumption of work will be completed in 18 - 24 months. It remains unclear how long the design process and requires the initiation of work.

The commissioner Olive also positively accepted our request to improve road signs indicating the presence of schools now absent, as well as that for the spaces for the handicapped.

The next step was to meet with the Headmaster plexus "Piero della Francesca" Occiput Dr. Eleonora di Prisco, on 08/02/2011 Emidi Lucetta, in collaboration with Jacqueline Di Salvo
have focused on issues relating to the opening of new facilities, the need for spaces that can accommodate new classes of first grade full time at Via Ghiglia and proposed new initiatives for the coming school year as the walk to bus children from the neighborhood.
have been undertaken new initiatives and contacts to urge all organs that have jurisdiction, to ensure that they comply with the timing of the different procedures needed, something which we will account for the initial response.

These are very important issues and impact for families. Our approach is always open to a constructive discussion, it was certainly well received by the two directors and the Head Teacher which proved very helpful, attentive to the problems of the neighborhood and the collaborative search for solutions.

apparent in light of what was said by Dr. Eleonora di Prisco occiput, still be necessary to work to ensure open delle strutture in tempo utile.
Abbiamo per questo motivo deciso di organizzare una raccolta firme che nel consueto spirito costruttivo che ci contraddistingue testimoni agli attori coinvolti l'urgenza di risolvere in tempi brevi la situazione scuole di questo quartiere.

Riteniamo inoltre che tale raccolta sia molto importante per proseguire con impegno il nostro lavoro per il quartiere, sperando che questo contribuisca a richiamare sempre più persone alle attività della nascitura associazione AxaMalafede Villa Fralana.


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