" pink jersey the Regional Education Director Joseph Colosio a annual salary of € 172,295 followed by staff with a salary annual average of € 65,000" "black mesh the remaining staff of the school."
Praetorian Register 's Office for the Lombardy school
"According to art. 21 paragraph 1 of Law June 18, 2009, No 69 - "Honesty remuneration of directors and the rates of absence and increased presence of staff "- are published on-line the curricula and earnings, derived from individual employment contracts, managers of the second fascia.Tutti Data are published with their consent, subject to the privacy policy "
is the statement of managers assigned to areas territorial offices of executive level :
Office X - Setting territorial Bergamo Director: Luigi Roffia CURRICULA - PAY
Office XI - Setting territorial Brescia Director: Mariarosa Raimondi CURRICULA - PAY
Office XII - Setting territorial Como Manager: Claudio Merletti (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIII - Setting territorial Cremona Director: Francesca Bianchessi CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIV - Setting territorial Lecco Director: Luigi Roffey (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
XV Office – Ambito territoriale di Lodi Dirigente: Giuseppe Bonelli CURRICULA - RETRIBUZIONE
Ufficio XVI – Ambito territoriale di Mantova Dirigente: Giuseppe Petralia (* CURRICULA - RETRIBUZIONE )ex Dirigente scolastico I.C. Donadoni Bergamo dal 1.9.2007 DDG 2.11.2004)
Ufficio XVII - Setting territorial Milan Interim Director: Giuseppe Colosio CURRICULA - PAY Office XVIII - Setting territorial Monza and Brianza Manager: Nicola Montrone (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XIX - Setting territorial of Pavia Director: Joseph Bonelli (regent) CURRICULA - PAY
Office XX - Setting territorial Sondrio Manager: Nicola Montrone CURRICULA - PAY
Office XXI - Setting territorial Varese Manager: Claudio Merletti CURRICULA - PAY
* Last updated February 28, 2011
SCHOOL counted: legalized theft
byASASI : The Letterina No 270 - Thursday, February 24, 2011
"In reality, among other things, in which 2,800 executives in 10,000 are empty (and next year it will be 3500), release hundreds of school leaders to be included in USR , and let acephalous institutions does not seem neither logical nor effective.. "
"Suffice it to say that a head teacher, despite being the first formal qualifications, was denied because the winner of the 2004 command and then irremovable from its premises, while the very same of USR Palermo were controlled two managers who have won the same competition. " read more
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