Il processo per concussione e prostituzione minorile inizierà il 6 aprile. Collegio composto da tre donne. La difesa: «Non ci aspettavamo nulla different "desert the Prime Minister announced a press conference in Catania. In the classroom will be the injured parties of the Interior, the Moroccan girl and three police also
The investigating judge of the court of Milan Cristina Di Censo has ordered the immediate process with ritual for the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The premier has been under investigation by Milan prosecutors for cases of child prostitution and the crime of bribery in connection with the case Ruby. Berlusconi's trial will begin April 6, 2011 before the fourth section of the Criminal Court of Milan, three judges woman president Giulia Turri, assessors Orsola De Carmen and Christopher D'Elia. Immediately after the release of the news process, The Prime Minister has decided to leave for Rome: in contrast to the Interior Ministry announced this morning by the Prime Minister has decided not to attend the press conference on immigration in the prefecture of Catania had to do with Interior Minister Maroni
A Berlusconi denies that the prosecutor abused as chairman of the Council to induce the officials of Milan prosecutors, the night of 27 and 28 May last year, to entrust to the Ruby Nicole Minetti and Regional Councillor for having sexual relations with Young Moroccan Arcore.
Immediate reaction of the defense of Prime Minister: "We did not expect anything different," said Piero Longo, Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini together. Ruby 'Heartbreaker' and the Ministry of Interior are the injured parties in the process that will be celebrated with immediate rite in Milan on April 6 and in which Silvio Berlusconi is accused of extortion and prostitution.
Karima El Mahroug, alias Ruby, is victim to the proceedings in relation to the crime of child prostitution challenged Berlusconi as prime minister would have committed sexual acts with the girl in exchange for money or other benefits from February to May of last year when the girl was not yet 18 years old.
The Interior Ministry, however, is the injured party in relation to the crime of bribery against Berlusconi suggested in the report that the prime minister made the call in the night between 27 and 28 May last at the police station in Milan to get the 'issue' of Ruby, which was taken in the police station following a complaint by a The theft is evident from the decree by which the investigating judge Cristina Di Censo has ordered the immediate trial for the prime minister.
In the process there are three officials of the police headquarters in Milan as plaintiffs. The three officers are the Chief of Staff Peter Ostuni, and officials and Ivo Iafrate Giorgio Morelli, who, according to the 'indictment, which would have been under pressure from Prime Minister on the night between 27 and 28 May this year called the offices in Via Fatebenefratelli per ottenere il ’rilasciò di Ruby. In linea teorica, la presidenza del Consiglio potrebbe costituirsi parte civile in rappresentanza del ministero dell’ Interno che a sua volta è parte lesa in relazione sempre al reato di concussione contestato a Berlusconi.
Il Gip Cristina Di Censo, nel disporre il rinvio a giudizio per il premier, ha valutato tutte le «premesse processuali», come la questione della connessione dei reati di prostituzione minorile e concussione, e quella della competenza della procura di Milano ad indagare. Lo ha spiegato il presidente dell’ufficio Gip, Gabriella Manfrin. Dunque, il Gip ha preso in considerazione anche le memorie difensive dei legali del premier che sostenevano la competenza del tribunale dei ministri, e ha deciso per la competenza della procura di Milano. Inoltre nel decreto, che è motivato, il Gip ha indicato che sussistono i presupposti per il rito immediato tra cui l’evidenza della prova a carico di Berlusconi.
Fonte: http://www3.lastampa.it/politica/sezioni/articolo/lstp/389103/
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