Il Partito Comunista Egiziano saluta la caduta di Mubarak ed invita a continuare la rivoluzione
Rendiamo omaggio alle centinaia di martiri e alle thousands of wounded, the forward-looking spirit that have opened, with blood and sacrifice, the path that leads to the triumph of the revolution.
In paying tribute to the political parties and political forces that supported the Egyptian people in the Arab world and the world, we are committed to continue the revolution until the construction of all the popular demands, the conquest of our democratic rights, social and national. In the three weeks of the revolution, we have seen the glory days and difficult days, which has faced attempts to redo the facade to the system by the forces of counterrevolution. Only the resolve and courage of the great people of Egypt have made it possible to overcome these maneuvers.
A new era opens for Egypt, with the blood and sacrifices of his boys. Our people continue to struggle to regain the rights and meet their just demands of a life worthy of a free country.
Viva la revolution! Long live the people of Egypt!
Egyptian Communist Party
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