Monday, February 14, 2011

Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Piazze d’Italia piene di donne contro la violazione dei loro diritti

The comrades of the Federation of the Left Nicholls attended the very numerous procession to demand the resignation of Berlusconi

"If not now when?" - Full of squares of Italy women against violations of their rights

Rome - difficult to calculate precisely. For the organizers of "If not now when?" The day of pride female attended by more than one million people. Certainly there is no capital in which people has not decreased in the streets to protest, but also to celebrate.
Many slogans against Silvio Berlusconi. But he also had his share Mariastella Gelmini who has branded the protesters as "a few" radical chic "show for political purposes and to exploit women," for her heroines usual left-wing snob. "And it's not even like the accusation of" moralism "launched yesterday by Giuliano Ferrara. The heart of the initiative was Rome, where a piazza del Popolo gremitissima heard sponsoring the event. Many famous faces of the show. And in the front row, among others, and Giulia Bongiorno Susanna Camusso. "If I were partying hard here to criticize me will say "you're a moralist, but what struck me about this story is when the party can become a criterion for selection of its leaders," said the Bongiorno, one of his first public appearance after motherhood. "I think the Gelmini has lost another opportunity to be quiet," said Camusso. D ect this, he must add, "this event can not be exploited politically because it is against all those who want violate the rights of women. "
That must be why they were politely turned away from all the backstage politics. In plaza, the crowd, many in dell'opoposizione, starting with the Secretary-Pd Pier Luigi Bersani and Paolo Ferrero Rifondazione - Federation of the Left.
the end it was decided to convene the States-General of women. At the official event was followed by a garrison then flash in front of House. A
Milan turnout was higher than expected, despite the rain. One hundred thousand in Piazza Castello, which failed to contain the crowd and many people stopped in Piazza Duomo. Slowing down also in the subway. Moving the garrison Arcore, for security reasons. On stage
rose among others Dario For: Berlusconi said, "is in our hearts in the sense that we bust them. " Several times the crowd interrupted the speakers to shout "resignation" referring to the premier.
In Milan there was even Romano Prodi: "I believe that women have made a great signal to the revival of Italy," he said. There was no lack Nichi Vendola. And there was Sara Judge, the young of the PDL strongly criticized by his party for collecting signatures against the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti. Full
even Piazza San Carlo in Turin hundred thousand present, according to organizers. "A nice event, here you will not find peasants or peasant," they said from the stage. Many participants brought umbrellas for protection from the mud that is thrown on women, "as required to do in the tam tam of meetings via email and through Facebook. A band often sang" Hello Beautiful. "
" Resignation "and" Shame ", are the two most chanted slogans during the event which has passed through the streets of Naples Piazza Matteotti and ended at Piazza Dante. "We are 100 thousand, not all available to Berlusconi," says Elena Coccia, one of the organizers, from the stage. The only flag that has marched, the Italian one. A
Florence was chosen Piazza dei Giudici. Blocked by the crowd several adjacent streets, including Lungarno. A Lucca, despite the rain, five people gathered in Piazza Santa Maria. Two thousand protesters in Siena: "I am a cheerful woman and I can not buy happiness," was read on a sign.
A procession of 10 thousand people, according to the Organizing Committee, marched through the streets of downtown Bari to defend the dignity and rights of women, after the "Ruby case." There were only women, but thousands of men who, starting from the central square Prefecture, peacefully marched with banners and posters: "Those who govern must set a good example and do not ask for such failure", read one of these.
Twenty thousand people went to the streets of Palermo . Event also Catania. "I am proud of my city," said Anna. Four thousand participants
appointment to Cagliari. On a spring day in Piazza Amendola, opposite the harbor of Cagliari, has set up a stage on which, for over two hours, took turns ordinary women who have already claimed the respect for women. Many men also in the square.
Nearly three thousand people took part yesterday in Piazza Unità d'Italy, in Trieste , the event for the dignity of women, a share higher than expected. At least 1,500 protesters in Bergamo .
were then a thousand women e gli uomini che hanno manifestato davanti al Teatro delle Muse ad Ancona . Mille a Pesaro e 500 ad Ascoli Piceno .
Oltre mille persone hanno pacificamente occupato a Novara la centralissima Piazza Duomo. Sul palco anche una suora della congregazione delle Orsoline del Sacro Cuore di Maria, che, oltre a ricordare la piaga dello sfruttamento della prostituzione minorile, di cui sono vittime migliaia di ragazze migranti in tutte le strade d'Italia, si è detta "indignata per come molte donne con responsabilità di governo offendano, umilino e deturpino l'immagine della donna".
Manifestazioni si sono svolte in tutte le più importanti città della Liguria. A Genova 30 thousand people have invaded Piazza De Ferrari, there were also the Mayor Marta Vincenzi and former CGIL leader Sergio Cofferati. Eight hundred people to the streets of Savona . In about 1500, they played drums and whistles to La Spezia under the slogan "To send away Berlusconi and his entire company."
also mobilized Calabria. A Catanzaro, here were two events: one in the morning, supported by the police of Coisp, and the other in the afternoon in front of the prefecture. Appointments also at Cosenza and Roccella Jonica .
Women Arcore are meeting in Largo Carlo Arent, to 15.30, for a garrison lasted about 2 hours. "If not now, when?" The slogan that has collected a few hundred people in the town. Many women but also men and children. The event was supposed to take off in Vela at Villa Borromeo, but for reasons of public policy has been moved off Arent, a few hundred meters away from the villa of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Many slogans aimed at the premier, including: "Silvio, I am a woman at 360 degrees and not 90" and "We demand dignity and respect for all women." Took turns at the microphone music and actions of some women to Arcore, who quoted poetry and Dora Alda Merini forint, but also phrases Concita De Gregorio, Camusso Susanna and Emma Bonino.
very large membership Bologna to the event in defense of the rights and dignity of women. An unexpected number of participants, twenty thousand people according to organizers, led to an unexpected change of the route. The longest river of people, in fact, was to meet in Piazza XX Settembre (returning to the starting point) for final action, however, it was decided "in the running for Piazza Maggiore, where the initiative is completed. From the procession composed mostly of women of all ages but also by many men have risen several times to demand the resignation of choirs Berlusconi. No flag of the party. In head lo striscione: "Nè perbene nè permale. Unite, diverse, libere". "Non vogliamo solo che il premier vada a casa - ha detto Raffaella Lombardi dell'associazione donne Orlando - ma vogliamo anche una nuova cultura politica che non sia basata sul sistema di potere". Dalle gradinate della chiesa di San Petronio hanno parlato alla piazza rappresentanti di associazioni, attrici, studentesse, ricercatrici, lavoratrici precarie. Testimone della giornata bolognese anche l'attrice Lella Costa: "Sulla libertà delle donne - ha scandito - si gioca il futuro di tutti". Tra gli interventi anche quello di una ricercatrice universitaria che ha letto un messaggio dell'astrofisica Margherita Hack che all'ultimo momento non è potuta intervenire initiative. "All young people, women and men - this is the text written by the scientist during the fair in Bologna - rejected the shameful example of a person who is unworthy to rule, rejected the idea that to succeed we must prostitute themselves physically or morally and show your work with an Italy that is different. Congratulations ". The candidate for Mayor of Bologna for the center left, Virginio Merola, just before the start of the parade stressed the importance of the presence of men. "I see in debate - he said - the dignity and identity of men. I hope they take the word publicly to dissociate themselves from a male model in one way because of sexual relations, money and power. "Among the women in the parade too Cinzia Cracchi, former secretary-girlfriend of Flavio Delbono that his revelations began the judicial investigation that followed the resignation of then Mayor of Bologna." Some things - he said, referring to the story Cracchi Delbono - I have experienced firsthand, on my skin. I know what it means. "
The initiative was also echoed abroad." Ssio Di-mi-ni-, di-mi-ni-ssio ": the echo of the cry of women chanted" outraged "to Berlusconi resonates even today where London at two in the afternoon, about 250 participants in the sit-in against the Prime Minister organized by the "Purple" began to gather in front of Downing Street. "Weak up Italy" (Italy woke ed), "Berlusconi game over" (the game is over Berlusconi ed), "Dignity is priceless" (dignity is priceless, ed), and again: "We want democracy in Italy" "Berlusconi is not Jump," are just some of the slogans chanted by protesters men and women, almost all young, almost all Italian and many of them living in London for study or work. The echo of the day London's anti Berlusconi has remained, but without microphones: "The town of London do not given them by the time the request was made 28 days before the protest - said one of the organizers, the event, without parade , however, has been authorized. "Attack on barriers that surround the area controlled by the policemen, pictures of Italian women elected to positive symbols of the female world: the prosecutor Ilda Boccassini, the Nobel prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini, astronomer Margherita Hack, and yet Franca Rame and Serena Dandini, as well as heroines of the past: Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Anna Magnani. The peaceful demonstration of purple balloons and scarves, went peacefully until 6 o'clock in the afternoon under the watchful eye of some policemen, under a Light rain and not far from the famous bronze monument dedicated to women in Whitehall falls in the second world war: a silent and austere reminder of a story reminiscent of the nearby to passers-sacrifice of women in tragic conflict.
A thousand Italians living in Brussels has "occupied" the steps in front of the capital stock of the European Union.


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