Letter to the Young Communist League - 2011 Membership
It 'was hard. The difficulties have put a strain on our tenacity, our strength, our revolutionary spirit.
But we made friends, the Young Communists Torino are reborn from the ashes like a phoenix. I
pad data (not yet final) membership of 2010. Despite the great division suffered at the end of 2009 (the release of all the coordination provincial), the Young Communists Torino have far exceeded 100%. The most interesting is that more than 80% are newcomers.
It 'been a tough year, a mere 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees of militancy. By pickets and principals at the factory, the brigades antisfratto; from the occupations student cultural initiatives and training, participation in the demonstrations, the street battles. Our newly created Web TV "Video 2.0" and our blogs are getting a following. We were able to interact with associations, youth organizations and movements, succeeding in our little affect. We have succeeded in the first enterprise: It exists to resist.
thank all the comrades for their work and commitment, for their generosity and friendship, for all the support and enthusiasm that have made and sent to the youth. Represented the most beautiful, healthier, more authentic and revolutionary politics and this party. Tragically you are, indeed, we are the generation most tormented and hurt our society. Inequality, poverty, denial of rights, insecurity, unemployment: what future for us? A future of struggle, tears and blood.
We have made our contribution fiercely against the capitalist system, a war we can never win alone. The social war
thickens: the dangers to our generation increases, the Young Communists need Torino you.
Act, to regain control of our lives
Fighting to obtain rights and social justice
Winning for the socialist fatherland
Join the Young Communist League, the fight with us!
Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino
Milan July 27, 1848
war thickens: the dangers increase. The country needs you. Who directed these words to honor fought as best he could, the Italian name to distant shores, and came with a handful of brave fellows, from Montevideo to help himself win country, and die on Italian soil. He has faith in you want, or young, have it in him? Hasten: concentrate around me; Italy needs ten, twenty thousand volunteers from all parts Gather as much information as you are, and Alp! Example Italy, to Europe, we want to win, and win!
G. Garibaldi
Source: http://giovanicomunistitorino.blogspot.com/2011/02/agire-combattere-vincere.html
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