few days ago I said that Mubarak's fate was sealed and that Obama could not even save.
The world knows what is happening in the Middle East. The news circulating at frightening speed. Politicians just enough time to read the dispatches that June hour after hour. All are aware of just what is going on there.
After 18 days of hard battle, the Egyptian people has achieved an important objective: to topple the main U.S. ally in the bosom of the Arab countries. Mubarak plundered and oppressed his own people, was an enemy of the Palestinians and an accomplice of Israel, the sixth nuclear power in the world, associated with the militant group of NATO.
The Armed Forces of Egypt, with the leadership of Gamal Abdel Nasser had overthrown, throwing it aside, and had submitted a king who created the Republic, with the support of the Soviet defenses the ex-British home invasion and Israel in 1956 and preserved the possession of the Suez Canal and the independence of its ancient nation.
Egypt for what he enjoyed a high prestige in the Third World. Nasser was known as one of the most capable leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement, in whose creation he participated with other prominent leaders of Asia, Africa and Oceania, who fought for national liberation and economic and political independence of former colonies.
Egypt has always had the support and respect of this international organization comprising more than one hundred countries. At this time, precisely, this brotherly country chairs the Movement for the period of three years that matches, the support of many of its members to fight today launches its people will not wait.
What meant the Camp David Accords, and why the heroic people of Palestine so arduously defend their rights more viable?
At Camp David, brokered by the then U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the president of Egypt, Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, signed the famous agreement between Egypt and Israel.
It is said that there were secret talks for 12 days and 17 September 1978 signed two important agreements: one related to peace between Egypt and Israel, and the other related with the creation an autonomous territory in the Gaza Strip and Cisjordania, where el-Sadat thought - and Israel knew and shared the idea - which was the headquarters of the Palestinian state, whose existence, like that of the State of Israel, that the 'Organization of the United Nation had granted 29 November 1947, the British mandate of Palestine.
After conversations difficult and complex, Israel agreed to withdraw its troops from Egyptian territory of Sinai, even if categorically refused participation in these peace negotiations of the representation of Palestine.
As a product of the first agreement, the period of one year, Israel reinstated the territory to Egypt Sinai occupied one of the Arab-Israeli wars.
Under the second, the two parties undertook to negotiate the creation of the autonomous regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first, comprising an area of \u200b\u200b5,640 km square and 2.1 million inhabitants ¡h, and the second, 360 square kilometers and 1.5 million inhabitants.
has condemned the Arab countries that deal in which, according to them, Egypt is not defended with sufficient energy and determination a Palestinian state, whose right to exist was in the middle decades of struggle by the Arab states during launch. A
indignation reached such an extreme reaction that many of these broken relationships with Egypt. Thus, the United Nations Resolution of November 1947, was wiped off the map. The independent body will not ever created, depriving the Palestinians of the right to exist as an independent state, and from this comes the endless tragedy that we live and who already had to solve at least thirty years ago.
The Arab population of Palestine is the victim of actions of genocide, the land had been stripped and deprived of water in these semi-desert areas and destroyed homes with huge hammers. In the Gaza Strip, a million and a half of people are systematically attacked with explosive bullets, and live with phosphorus grenades notes "cacciatoti. The territory Strip is blocked by sea and by land. Why so much talk of the Camp David Accords and did not mention the Palestine?
The United States administered the most modern and sophisticated arms to Israel worth billions of dollars a year. Egypt, an Arab country, has been transformed in the second recipient of U.S. weapons. In order to fight against whom? Against another Arab country? Against the Egyptian people?
When the people demand respect for their most basic rights and the waiver of a president whose policy was to exploit and plunder his own people, the repressive forces trained by the United States did not hesitate to shoot contro, ammazzando centinaia di persone e ferendone migliaia.
Quando il popolo egiziano aspettava spiegazioni dal Governo del suo stesso paese, le risposte venivano da alti funzionari degli organi d’intelligenza o del governo degli Stati Uniti, senza alcun rispetto per i funzionari egiziani.
Forse i dirigenti degli Stati Uniti e i loro organi d’intelligenza non conoscevano una sola parola sii furti colossali del governo di Mubarak?
Prima che il popolo protestasse in massa da Piazza Tahrir, nemmeno i funzionari del governo, nè gli organi d’intelligenza degli Stati Uniti dicevano una sola parola dei privilegi dei furti vergognosi di migliaia di milioni di dollari.
Sarebbe un errore immaginare che the revolutionary people's movement in Egypt theoretically obeys a reaction against the violation of his basic rights. The people do not challenge the repression and death, or stay all night to protest energetically to merely formal matters. They do it when their legal rights and materials are sacrificed without mercy to the insatiable demands of corrupt politicians and national and international circles that plundered the country.
The poverty rate already hit the vast majority of a people fighting, and patriotic young man, attacked in his dignity, its culture and beliefs.
How can reconcile the overwhelming growth of food prices with tens of thousands of millions of dollars that are attributed to President Mubarak, and the privileged sectors of government and society?
not enough now that you know how to step up: we must require that they be returned to the country.
Obama is concerned about the events in Egypt, and acts or appears to act as the master of the planet. Egypt seems that his thing. It never ceases to speak by phone with leaders of other countries.
agency EFE, for example, reports that:
"He spoke with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, the Abdali King II of Jordan, and the turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's moderate Islamist."
"The U.S. governor has assessed the historical exchange rate forced by the Egyptians and reaffirmed his admiration for his efforts. "The main
American news agency AP, forward reasoning worthy of attention:
" The United States urged the rulers in the Middle East, on the western slope, friendly and willing to cooperate with Israel in the fight against Islamic extremism , at the time that protects human rights. "
" Barack Obama has drawn up a list of ideal qualities are impossible to meet after the fall of both allies of Washington in Egypt and Tunis for the popular revolts that, according to experts, will propagate in the region. "
" Do not with no prospect of this curriculum is very difficult and illusions that appear one quickly. In part due to the fact that in the last 40 years, the U.S. has sacrificed the ideals of human rights advocates both in exchange for stability, continuity and oil in one of the most volatile regions of the world. "
" Egypt will never be the same, "Obama said Friday the 11th, after the celebrations for the start of Hosni Mubarak."
"By their peaceful protest, said Obama, the Egyptians have turned Illora country and the world."
"Even when there is a continuing nervousness among various Arab governments, the dome of confidence in Egypt and Tunis, have not shown signs of being willing to give up power or the large economic influence they had. "
" The Obama government has insisted that the change should not be
personality. The U.S. government has set this position since President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has fled in January, from Tunis, a day after Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, warned in a speech to the Arab leaders in Qatar that without a reform of the foundations of their countries, would be sunk in the sand. "
People do not show very docile in Tahrir Square.
Europa Press said:
" Thousands of protesters have arrived in Tahrir Square, the epicenter mobilizations that led to the resignation of the country's president, Hosni Mubarak, who continue to strengthen those who continue to occupy qusto, and despite the attempt by the military police to remove them, informed the British chain BBC.
"The BBC correspondent in this central square of Cairo, has ensured that the army is indecisive st showing the emergence of new protesters"
"The hard core [...] is located in one corner of the square .
[...] have decided to stay in Tahrir [...] to make sure you make all their complaints. "
Regardless of what happens in Egypt, one of the most serious problems facing imperialism at this time is the deficit of cereal that I have analyzed the reflectance of 19 January.
The United States uses an important part of corn and cultivate a high index of their harvest of soybeans for the production of biofuels.
Europe for its part, uses millions of hectares of land for this purpose.
As a result of climate change originated primarily from developed countries and rich, you are creating a shortage of fresh water and food incompatible with population growth at a pace that will lead to 9,000 million people in just 30 years, without Organization of the United Nations and governments most influential of the planet, after the meetings in Copenhagen and defraudanti Cancun combines alerted and informed the world of this situation.
We support the Egyptian people and their courageous fight for his political rights and social justice.
We are not against the people of Israel, we are against the genocide of the Palestinian people and in favor of his right to an independent state.
We're not for war but for peace among all peoples. Fidel Castro Ruz
February 13, 2011 21:14 pm
(Translated by Granma International)
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