in Berlin is to win ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico. Dopo Parigi anche dalla capitale tedesca – questa volta con il voto popolare - arriva un cambio di marcia fondamentale : l’acqua è un bene comune e la sua gestione non va privatizzata. Tutti ci dicono di guardare all’Europa quando si tratta d’innalzare l’età pensionabile e far quadrare i bilanci pubblici sforbiciando il welfare state. Dai giornali scompare invece ogni riferimento all’Europa quando amministrazioni pubbliche e movimenti della società civile riconquistano servizi e beni comuni, che inopinatamente negli anni della sbornia neoliberista erano stati consegnati agli appetiti delle multinazionali. Parigi e Berlino ci insegnano che invece si può riportare alla proprietà public water, which is not a look back at the world-as claimed by our detractors - but instead set their feet firmly in the future to ensure that new generations access to a resource essential to life. In the era of the commodification of water ripubblicizzazione is a sign of great contrast. It teaches us that not everything can be folded to profit, it breaks the cliche of "private to the public more efficiently", he reworks an idea of \u200b\u200bthe public related to the democratic control of communities and populations.
Paris and Berlin called Italy. On two of the three referendum promoted by the Committee for public water is likely to vote in Italy June 12 (the final date fixed by law). E 'on a date which fell silent suspect, the same as in Berlin accompanied the weeks preceding the referendum vote. The strategy of the privatizers is clear: do not talk about the referendum and wait for it to "discharge" alone, putting the vote to close the summer and after that the voters have been called to the polls for local elections (including run-off round) . The Interior Ministry is working towards this with broad consensus of political forces in parliament (it is useful to remember that none of them has promoted the referendum el'Idv has launched a "deceptive" rightly ruled inadmissible by the Constitutional Court). The challenge of the quorum is complicated and difficult. some time in the referendum not to exceed the prophetic dreams 50% of those entitled to vote. Water can do wonders stir deep in Italian society. The success of the collection of signatures - a million and 400 thousand - shows the full potential for this battle of civilizations. The effort, however, you must multiply. water along with the public is for the abolition of rules that want to introduce nuclear power in Italy, also becomes crucial watershed in the transition election administration. Come si schierano i candidati a sindaco e le forze politiche che concorrono per i consigli comunali e provinciali? A Massimo D’Alema la domanda “cosa fa il Pd ai referendum?” è stata posta anche al Forum Sociale Mondiale svoltosi la scorsa settimana a Dakar. La risposta è stata un misto d’imbarazzo e di fastidio annunciando l’atteggiamento presumibilmente tiepido del Pd che teme – parole della “volpe del Tavoliere” come lo definì un indimenticato Luigi Pintor – che “molte agenzie pubbliche dei servizi siano messe in difficoltà dalla vittoria dei Si”. Il rischio concreto è che nel Pd avanzi la strategia del “boicottaggio dolce “ e la tesi che il primo question on the Ronchi Decree "is not only water but all privatized services. Subject matter which is already being used today to deter the already numerous mayors of the Democratic Party who signed the referendum, to warn of the negative outcome that would have the success of the referendum on the administrative life. This will be one of the leitmotifs that will be the background to the referendum campaign of those who, contrary to ripubblicizzazione water, does not have the courage to stand up openly for No.
Berlin and Paris, however, say that there is more awareness in society and in exclusively political sphere. It will be essential to increase the pressure to be low on all public officials, to run the mouth that is important to vote this way and break the information embargo. Hence it is useful and necessary to set up committees for the referendum is everywhere, the place of study and work compressed o. This is a referendum can only be overcome if there is an awakening of conscience and democratic all'antipolitica if you replace politics with a capital P that made for the common good and with the participation of all and all. On March 26, also will be held in Rome, the national demonstration of the movement of water during very important to turn the spotlight on the appointment secretary. There is a quorum as to defeat, this time not for the interest of a few, but for the common interest.
Alfio Nicotra
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