Monday, February 14, 2011

Prolexis Penis Growth

Lombardi, 42 percent of students chose the school

Lombardy Region is the first in Italy to be able to compare the data processed according to the entries schools for students of all levels for school year 2011/2012, which was to expire on Saturday, February 12.

Thanks to computerized procedure of registration for the secondary school level, activated for the second year of the Lombardy Region and the Regional Education Office, through the'Anagrafe students', it is possible to know in real-time data inscriptions.

In a joint statement disseminated by the regional Education, Training and Employment Gianni Rossoni and the Director-General of the Lombardy Regional Education Colosio Joseph pointed out that "in less than a year after the entry into force of 'reform Gelmini', assumono particolare rilevanza le scelte dei percorsi di scuola secondaria di secondo grado effettuate dalle famiglie, in quanto rappresentano un'occasione di verifica e di riscontro del gradimento suscitato dalle novità recentemente introdotte".

"I genitori che hanno iscritto i propri figli nelle scuole della Lombardia - prosegue la Nota congiunta - hanno potuto scegliere non solo i licei, gli istituti tecnici e gli istituti professionali statali o paritari, ma anche i percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale che, dallo scorso anno scolastico, sono gli unici a consentire il conseguimento di una qualifica professionale dopo tre anni di studi".

Dei 93.000 alunni lombardi che attualmente frequentano la terza media, il 42 per cento si è orientato sui licei, il 29 per cento sugli istituti tecnici, l'11 per cento sui professionali, il 17 per cento sui percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale; circa 72.200 alunni hanno scelto le scuole statali, 5.300 le scuole paritarie e 12.300 i centri di formazione professionale regionali, mentre 3.300 frequenteranno i percorsi regionali di istruzione e formazione professionale attivati all'interno delle scuole statali .

Il percorso di gran lunga più richiesto è quello del liceo scientifico, con circa 12.500 iscritti ; decisamente più arretrati il liceo linguistico (6.400), il liceo delle scienze umane (erede delle sperimentazioni former school master: 5,600 pupils), the grammar school (3700) and the Art College (3600), the high school musical, given their specificity and their small number, collect about 350 entries.

Among the institutions stand out in the technical sector of the economy address 'administration, finance and marketing' with 8,900 members and, in the technology sector, the address 'and telecommunications', with 3,700. The former hotel management school ('services for the hospitality and food and wine') collects the most successful vocational education is five years, while the three-year course is required of most regional 'operators of wellbeing' (3700) .

Further analysis of data shows a substantial balance between the number of routes in the professional area, including routes and regional state system, include 28% of the total. The difference between

enrolled in colleges and technical institutes if you resize the scope intended strictly technical data are added to the high schools of applied science (5,600 students), heirs of high school technology widely present in the former Technical Institutes.

So we arrive at substantive equality of entries (about 36 per cent for both addresses). The joint statement stresses that "the good distribution obtained between the different study can be considered the result of special efforts made by the School this year. "

two most significant actions put in place. The regional plan guidance, implemented in a systematic way across the Lombardy region, has seen implement initiatives widespread and varied information and training, aimed at teachers, students and families, in collaboration with local authorities and universities of Lombardy and the main training agencies in the area. A significant number of teachers reached more than 2,500 secondary school of First Instance.

The work of the delivery unit to accompany the reorganization of technical education (one of four on the national territory) done in collaboration with the Lombardy Region and the main associations in the world of work, had a responsibility to know and appreciate the characteristics of innovation in technical institutions considered for the joint training of human capital and economic development tool in the country.

It 'also important to state that the opportunity to enroll in the regional routes of education and training at institutions accredited training is made possible by specific funding of the Lombardy Region for more than 165 million euro, while the same offer in state schools is possible by the agreement signed by the Lombardy Region at the national level since 2009.

Students third class of secondary school as a whole were then enrolled in a course of education or education and training. This fact confirms that the instrument 'Population' - born from the strong commitment and close cooperation between the Lombardy Region and the Regional School Office for academic success and learning of all students and preventing early - gave the expected results, at least in the first and crucial phase of transition from one order to another school.

for state schools and for school boards now begins a delicate process of verification and rationalization of the entries submitted this year facilitated by the experience gained during the previous year.

With the criteria that each secondary school has been given, if the number of members in each program are not the same as required by the rules, we will lay the first class and the students made redundant will be paid for by schools secondary schools that will provide to subscribe taking into account the second option, express or activate the appropriate measures of re-orientation of students.

(California News - Ln - Milano))


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