Secretary PRC - Federation of the Left
Francesco Ruggeri (Release of 12 February 2011)
should exit the building and the policy debate centered on morbidly Berlusconi once again on the social question. "The decision to do a mass campaign on social issues comes from, you should give a practical response to the crisis and exit left on this building a mass movement," said Paolo Ferrero Liberation in an interview set in the aftermath of an important meeting of management and on the eve of a conference in Rome on two decades of the party.
After the signals of the students and metalworkers, however, the parliamentary opposition seem unable to move.
In recent months the opposition has favored the action of the palace, in fact. Before pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200ba caretaker government and now with the proposal of D'Alema to go to elections with Fli and UDC, which is a continuation of the operation of the building. All this, however, does not build the alternative to mica, with the risk that Berlusconi Berlusconi manages to remain standing. But in that scenario things would not remain unchanged. Happen as the aftermath of the murder of Matteotti that, not being able to drop it, Mussolini came out stronger.
But it is possible in this context that the opposition change the soil before che la crisi eroda quel che rimane delle conquiste del Novecento?
Noi lavoriamo per questo. Per prima cosa si deve passare da una discussione tutta assorbita sul versante del palazzo a una discussione nella società. La direzione di ieri, appunto, è stato un primo momento di elaborazione per una campagna di massa sulla questione sociale che si ponga obiettivi praticabili e capaci di cambiare il segno ai processi. In gioco c’è la costruzione di una alternativa a Berlusconi e Marchionne, cioè alla gestione capitalistica alla crisi.
Dov’è la novità rispetto a strade percorse finora?
Noi proponiamo una piattaforma chiara e praticabile. Una redistribuzione del reddito verso down, creating new jobs with the conversion environment, blocking the relocation, the revival of schools, universities and culture. All things achievable with a charge sheet in excess of 800 thousand euro - now 1% of the population owns 13% and 60% of the wealth he shares 13% - with the fight against tax evasion, cutting the major works, recovering public money to companies that relocate data, cutting military spending by a fifth. The novelty lies in the attempt to go beyond the level of propaganda episodic building on these specific proposals and immediately feasible, a real campaign of flyers, debates, bills regional delibere consiliari, costruzione di vertenze concrete con i disoccupati e i lavoratori. Una campagna per dire che dalla crisi si può uscire e noi avanziamo proposte concrete, denunciando che i soldi ci sono, è solo un problema di volontà politica distribuirli. Una campagna di massa - collegata alla richiesta di sciopero generale e alle campagne per i no ai referendum - per battere il senso di impotenza che attanaglia la nostra gente.
Ma come si batte elettoralmente Berlusconi?
Su questo piano bisogna sconfiggere la proposta neocentrista del Pd proponendo al contrario un fronte democratico, che unisca Pd e forze di sinistra, e che sia fondato sul rispetto e lo sviluppo della Costituzione e sul superamento del bipolarismo. Without Fli UDC and then. The CLN was not made by the fascist Mussolini who had ousted the Fascist Grand Council in July of '43, the Cln have made the anti-fascist parties. The Democratic Party should remember this before attempting to board Fini, who shared all the worst measures of the Berlusconi government. But the merger between the Democratic Party and the Left should be able to be defined because if you only created as a result of the rejection of any alliance would not become common sense. Here, the social campaign that we need to start this too, to dialogue, to tune in to those who have sided with the Fiom - I think Unitcontrolacrisi - to find a common platform. Why a deployment that excludes the forces that chirped with Berlusconi is not the alternative to Berlusconi. Middle-Pd, as you know, is with Marchionne.
Certainly the twenty years of the course of the PRC and the next Congress could not fall into a more complicated phase.
So far our story has been written by others, especially those who took the different divisions. We want to start making us our history, we take stock of our journey, even the mistakes made, that will help us take a step forward in the process of re-founding a communist. We want to reread our history - of which we are not ashamed - to go forward, not to be turned back. The Congress will have to ask then is twofold. On the one hand the objective of making a concrete step forward in the re-establishment community, that the elaboration of a thought and practice effective communication. The other to take a step forward on the road to build a center of autonomous anti-capitalist left: the federation. We want to make a conference that draws up a draft stage, to talk with all Communists and all communities, however, placed, to search for a unified path. The unit must be sought from a clear policy proposal and - hopefully - effective. We want to build a unified proposal, and Congress, which overcomes any tendency self-preservation.
seems an answer to those already announced its exit from the PRC to go for the party of the communists. I think the appeal signed by Giannini.
Beyond its minor numbers contained, the meaning of that call is a frontal attack on the Communist Party of the new foundation for their project. As the Rainbow had abandoned communism in the name of a left without adjectives, so this appeal chooses to abandon the re-foundation in the name of a town with no adjectives. If you want to be absolutely symmetrical, mirror, path Vendola: separate from the re-establishment of communism. It is therefore of repetition a serious error that must be combated. Our problem is to make a revolutionary party and for this purpose is an analysis phase and a clear policy proposal, not a suggestion.
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