I go very positively welcomed the proposal made by the Secretary and the companion Fantozzi political campaign. It was really requires a signal of that party's and the Federation of the Left. get to work on a few objectives, clear and communicable is essential: we have seen with the campaign "First, the work" already fielded by the Department of North several months ago. I will not responsible (just because I agree): I add only that I agree with what was said by others (remember in this sense the intervention of Christ): a. the discourse is articulated on high speed with a reference to the local public transport; b. I consider it necessary also work for the repeal of Act 30.
so I focus on three additional observations:
I think the definition of a political campaign (like the one presented) should be a prelude to the next step: the definition of one to two points (better one) that try to characterize our presence with more clarity policy. A bill is in fact a political campaign by saying what you would like to see done, another is to try to communicate what characterizes their political profile. We no shortage of proposals, very concrete, as shown by the points made by Fantozzi. What I think is still lacking is the political profile public recognition. In this sense reasons underlying the Law 30: d Ivers years ago were those of the reduction work, today we might be those who want the abolition of Law 30 on the precariousness . In any case, you must know how to build an instantly recognizable profile.
Secondly, I think we should make an effort in terms of communication . I refer not so much the tools with which you communicate (the truth on this we still have some 'way to go, but we're finally moving in the right direction). I refer in particular to the need to invest a bit 'of resources in a communication campaign can help us to emerge in the din of political discourse. I know how devastated our ticket, but this seems to me really priorities and try to give it a try: entrusting the communication of our political campaign to someone who prepares the best.
Finally, a purely political point: I think the campaign referred to above should be proposed by the Federation of the Left and not just by the PRC. I know it's been said (he also recalled the Secretary), but on this point a problem arises I think the same. I would point out one of our determination not simply in the path of the FDS. Some comrades in our discussion today, show that after the mini-cleavage of some of the companions dell'ernesto, party, for example, the columns of Liberation, responded with diversified operations and even opposed. It 's true, but I find that the problem is also a certain vagueness of the political project of the Federation as we are interpreting, not just in a determination which will be sought: in this sense is then understandable that articulate a plurality of positions. The FDS should instead be established to strengthen, for example-but-the timing of meetings of governing bodies (Board Policy Development and Coordination) leave a little 'bitter taste in the mouth and appear as the indicator of a slowdown in politics.
There is one thing worse than a bad decision, and is not to decide. And I believe that the factors that should lead us to invest vigorously nella FDS siano diversi, e la maggior parte di essi dettati da semplice buon senso. Intanto ciò che è oggi il PRC non è più autosufficiente. Per chi lavora più a contatto con i territori, con i circoli e con i compagni militanti, questo è evidentissimo: non lo siamo più né come capacità di mettere in campo una proposta politica credibile, né dal punto di vista elettorale. La FDS è invece il luogo giusto dove trovare nuova linfa per la proposta politica e dove unirsi per affrontare le sfide elettorali. Inoltre la Federazione della Sinistra dovrebbe essere –oggi- il luogo dove una presenza sufficientemente forte dei comunisti irrobustisce la “sinistra di alternativa”, e dove una sinistra più larga help the Communists to return stronger. The question to ask is: the fragmentation of the communist forces in the FDS help this dual purpose? I p are not. I believe rather that it contradicts (he even pointed out in his recent CPN Socialism 2000). Working for the Federation of the Left wants to believe in the idea that makes sense today a double movement: to strengthen the left and return to consolidate the presence of communists . We will therefore be able to proceed in a unified way, in every instance where we act: within the party (between us) within the federation (with the PDCI), inside the border wider than the next alternative (with fellow SEL). Unit on content, but very uniform and thus: this should be our slogan (which may also help us gain some 'credibility lost).
Armando Petrini - Regional Secretary of the Communist Refoundation
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